Pioneer DJ just released version 5.4 of Rekordbox. All my apps are fully compatible with Rekordbox 5.4 .
A longstanding issue some of the DJ Conversion Utility - DJCU users myself included had with Rekordbox was it's startup time.
After investigation it turned out that if a Rekordbox collection was constructed from imported Rekordbox.xml files the Rekordbox startup time would increase dramatically.
My Rekordbox collection is indeed exclusively constructed out of imported Rekordbox.xml. Each time new tracks are added to my collection the new tracks are processed in iTunes, TRAKTOR and Mixed In Key + Odesi the results are converted from Traktor to various platforms.
As a result it usually took 40 minutes to start up Rekordbox with my 90K of tracks collection, which was not really workable.
Rekordbox 5.4 fixes this and brings back full speed, my Rekordbox collection starts up in under 10 seconds again.
Thank you engineering team of PioneerDJ for not only listening to the developers that rely on your platform but actually do something if actionable data/information is provided. Some other brands could use this as an example.