Midi Fighter twister traktor sequencer not working
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Default Midi Fighter twister traktor sequencer not working

    I tried to use the midi fighter twister traktor sequencer for the first time in ages and I cant get it to work. I had a problem with the new windows update that made traktor not recognise my S4 mk2. Could that be the problem?.

    Ive tried on Traktor 2 + 3 with the same results. The midi fighter lights are purple, a few times they have went red and once I got it to light up like the sequencer but It never worked.

    Has anyone else had any problems?.

    I downloaded the latest midi fighter twister mapping and my twister has the most up to date firmware. I'm on a windows machine running windows 10.

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dj focus View Post
    I tried to use the midi fighter twister traktor sequencer for the first time in ages and I cant get it to work. I had a problem with the new windows update that made traktor not recognise my S4 mk2. Could that be the problem?.

    Ive tried on Traktor 2 + 3 with the same results. The midi fighter lights are purple, a few times they have went red and once I got it to light up like the sequencer but It never worked.

    Has anyone else had any problems?.

    I downloaded the latest midi fighter twister mapping and my twister has the most up to date firmware. I'm on a windows machine running windows 10.
    Hey DJ Focus,

    I just tested Traktor Sequencer on Windows 10 and it works fine in TPro2 and TPro3. Could it be that your Twister MIDI ports were already busy/assigned to some other MIDI app than Traktor? (the Midi Fighter Utility for instance)

    Try closing all MIDI applications and see if that makes the difference.

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Hey DJ Focus,

    I just tested Traktor Sequencer on Windows 10 and it works fine in TPro2 and TPro3. Could it be that your Twister MIDI ports were already busy/assigned to some other MIDI app than Traktor? (the Midi Fighter Utility for instance)

    Try closing all MIDI applications and see if that makes the difference.

    I don't have anything else open.

    Are you running the latest version of windows?.

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj focus View Post
    I don't have anything else open.

    Are you running the latest version of windows?.
    Yes. I tested on two different Windows 10 PCs. Both OS are up to date.

    How about standard (MIDI) mode? Have you tried some other midi mappings for Twister?

  5. #5
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Yes. I tested on two different Windows 10 PCs. Both OS are up to date.

    How about standard (MIDI) mode? Have you tried some other midi mappings for Twister?
    I tried the instant gratification map and couldn't get that to work either.
    I've got a feeling that it's the twister itself that isn't working.
    The lights are all purple which i think means it's getting power but its switched off.
    The midi fighter controller editor recognises it though.

  6. #6
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj focus View Post
    I tried the instant gratification map and couldn't get that to work either.
    I've got a feeling that it's the twister itself that isn't working.
    The lights are all purple which i think means it's getting power but its switched off.
    The midi fighter controller editor recognises it though.
    Ok so MF Utility recognizes the Twister which indicates that there could be something wrong with Traktor settings.
    Just to be sure: Did you assign MIDI In-Port and Out-Port for each part of the mapping?

  7. #7
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Ok so MF Utility recognizes the Twister which indicates that there could be something wrong with Traktor settings.
    Just to be sure: Did you assign MIDI In-Port and Out-Port for each part of the mapping?
    Yes I've set the in and out ports to midi fighter twister.

    I've just realised after you import the TSI file it doesn't have the Deck sequencer volume control. In the video set up guide it says you need all three mappings. The version I downloaded only has two.

    does anyone know if in the newer versions of the mapping did they change it?.

    When I turn send midi off the lights on the twister go orange, when I turn it on it goes back to purple.

  8. #8
    Tech Wizard
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    UPDATE - I've managed to get It working. Today I uninstalled the latest windows updates that screwed up my S4 as they had been re installed and I hadn't realised. Now the sequencer works but only with Traktor 2 and only when my S4 is plugged In ( I had been messing about with it with just my laptop and an X1 plugged In).
    It doesn't work at all with Traktor 3, with or without my S4 being plugged In.

    So atm I'm not sure if it was removing the updates or the fact i tried it with my S4 being plugged In that allowed it to work.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Hey DJ Focus,

    I just tested Traktor Sequencer on Windows 10 and it works fine in TPro2 and TPro3. Could it be that your Twister MIDI ports were already busy/assigned to some other MIDI app than Traktor? (the Midi Fighter Utility for instance)

    Try closing all MIDI applications and see if that makes the difference.
    You might be right about the ports being busy. I tried last night and the sequencer worked with tp3. maybe when i was closing tp2 it wasn't closing it completely.

    Thanks for your help.

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