Recording with Allen & Heath xone 43c - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default recording with turntables & allen heath 43c

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice on my recording setup involving an Allen Heath Xone 43C. I have 2 reloop 8000 turntables connected via phono to the 43c which is connected via USB to my mac book pro. I've tried the instructions here (, connecting the 43c's recording out to a designated channel, which I then select in Serato to record. Signal comes in, just very distorted. Also tried using Audacity, same problem.
    Would greatly appreciate any ideas.

  2. #12


    Plug in a line input and press the line usb button.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by electroshock View Post
    Plug in a line input and press the line usb button.
    Thanks for your response. Could you elaborate a bit more what exactly you mean? Plug in where from where and where to press a line usb button?

  4. #14


    1. Set the switch on the back of the Reloops to ph.
    2. Plug the Reloops into the Xone PHONO inputs, say channels 1 and 4. There's a white usb button for each channel. Press it for ch 1 and 4.
    3. Take the cable from rec out and plug it into channel 2 (or 3) LINE input.
    4. The white usb button for ch 2 (or 3) should not be pressed.

    The white usb button selects which input goes to the computer, PHONO or LINE. Press for phono (previously thought it's the opposite without checking). Since the rec out is line you should plug it into a line input and leave the usb button unpressed.

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