Hello guys, i have big problems with my TK s2, i cannot make it, i tried all different things, re-installed driver 4-5 times when the controller is not connected to the laptop, and no sound at all
I can mix all buttons are working, but connect the Traktor s2 soundcourd , no sound come from the monitor speakers, just silence.
It says that the controller is installed and everything is ok, but i just cannot manage to use the soundcard from the controller,
I read that maybe the problem is because of the USB , i have 3 usb ports on my laptop , but i dont know if they are 2.0 or 3.0 ???? I want to use the soundcard from the Traktor, but when it plays in the windows menu no sound is playing...
My mixing mode is :
Audio device -------- Traktor Kontrol S2
Sample rate --------- 44,100 Hz
Overall latency ------ 10.2 ms
Win Built-In ---------- Traktor Kontrol S2
MIXING MODE -------- Internal
OUTPUT MONITOR ---- 3: Monitor left, 4: Monitor right
OUTPUT MASTER ------ 1: Master left, 2: Master right