Changing CC data into Program Change data using Midi Pipe
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Changing CC data into Program Change data using Midi Pipe

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to use my MFT to trigger both CC patch changes in Mainstage as well as patch changes in a Nord. I'm working with Midipipe (since it's much easier to understand off the bat then Bome for me). I've been able to convert one CC number to program change, but since it's a pipe, I can't effectively do an IF/ELSE statement with multiple Message Converters in a line.

    As of now, I think I have two choices to make this work. Supposing I want to send up to 8 program changes:

    1. Use multiple pipes (one pipe per program change). Each pipe has an MFT Midi in, a message converter to the desired program change, and then a Midipipe Out output. Not sure if I need to use pass through or not, will need to experiment...

    2. Use applescript to perform the program changes. For that, I have the following question(s):

    a.) How do I actually do the change with applescript? Is it possible?
    b.) Is it possible to do the program changes in a loop inside of the applescript? I've experimented a bit with the repeat statement, but I haven't gotten to work quite right...

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    It looks like don't having Program Change is an issue for a lot some of us, did you find anything since or did you switch to another controller ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Program Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by jagstang View Post
    It looks like don't having Program Change is an issue for a lot some of us, did you find anything since or did you switch to another controller ?
    It’s been ages since this post, so my memory may be a bit fuzzy. I was able to get what I wanted, but I had to abandon MIDI Pipe in favor of Bomes MIDI Translator. I ended up converting specific CC values into program changes. This allowed me to simultaneously send patch changes in MainStage along with program changes for my Nord — all triggered from my MFT.

    Hope this helps!

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