Mapping for Pioneer DDJ SB3 for Traktor - URGENT - Page 10
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  1. #91


    Nope, i bought a s2 mk3 which is natively supported. I did small update though to use shift select to select a folder

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default SB3 to traktor osx - help

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    From what I've seen on Youtube, that SB3 looks really cool in Serato! I don't own the unit but luckily Pioneer provides a full list of midi messages for this controller so I was able to look in to this and set a couple of commands

    Attached is only a test mapping. Just mixer and jog wheels for now. Decks A and B.
    Please let me know how jegwheels react for example should it be a bit slower or faster or they may be super fast... We can try another Encoder Mode if they totally suck. Currently it uses 7Fh mode and 50% on rotary sensitivity. Seems like a nice place to start testing.

    Attachment 28170

    I really want to use all the buttons on my sb3 in traktor sratch pro 2 at osx.
    Can u help me?

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default DDJ Sb3 Mapiing

    I am unable to map Deck 3 and Deck 4 for Traktor 3 with a DDJ sb3. Need assistance.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Oct 2020


    The TSI works amazing and I was able to get everything working, only question I have is:
    Is there a way to use a USB audio device without removing the capability to use the headphones?

    My set up includes a Focusrite 2i2 which is what sends the sound to my monitors. If I choose it for my Audio device im only left with Focusrite R and focusrite L in output routing, so headphones get no audio.
    Any suggestions are appreciated.
    thank you

  5. #95
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Question Almost there

    Hello, I downloaded and tried out @worstenbrood tsi mapping for Pioneer DDJ-SB3.

    After struggling some time with the Output settings I managed to get it playing right and at least the pre-listen and the master output work as intended. Knobs and loop controls look OK.

    There is a serious glitch still, the SYNC of the two decks is really impossible, the system won't auto-Sync and after activating the SYNC button the speed gets half, really weird. All I can do is beat match by ear, using the pitch slider. Really poor.

    It seems that Traktor is a very good software, too bad that my Pioneer deck is not supported.

    If somebody already solved this sync glitch or at least there is a known setting which I tweak I would be really glad to know.

  6. #96
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chris69 View Post
    Hello, I downloaded and tried out @worstenbrood tsi mapping for Pioneer DDJ-SB3.

    After struggling some time with the Output settings I managed to get it playing right and at least the pre-listen and the master output work as intended. Knobs and loop controls look OK.

    There is a serious glitch still, the SYNC of the two decks is really impossible, the system won't auto-Sync and after activating the SYNC button the speed gets half, really weird. All I can do is beat match by ear, using the pitch slider. Really poor.

    It seems that Traktor is a very good software, too bad that my Pioneer deck is not supported.

    If somebody already solved this sync glitch or at least there is a known setting which I tweak I would be really glad to know.
    Hey there,

    -Does it happens with all tracks?
    -Do you use Tempo Sync or Beat sync?
    -Do you have a grid marker set properly?

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Default When I use the highs knobbit skips thru the track

    Aloha, when I use the highs knobbon the second channel with the v4 tsi it skips thru the track some, any idea whybor if I did something wrong?

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