So what happened to the MIDI Fighter 3D?
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Orange County, CA

    Default So what happened to the MIDI Fighter 3D?

    Was the accelerometer thing was just trendy and didn't prove actually useful (I'm looking at you, Roland D-Beam)? I liked the 3D, and have found it to be really fun to use, and I'm sad to see it gone, and worse than that, see it kind of ignored and forgotten. So what happened?

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    What happened is pretty boring. Some components got discontinued around the time COVID hit and there were no suitable alternatives since a lot of factories were converted to build newer chips with much higher demand (and profit margin) during the pandemic. Also, quite a few others skyrocketed in cost so the 3D as it was couldn't be manufactured anymore.

    While I agree the accelerometer and gyroscope was super fun to use most of the people who bought it didn't use it, which is why the Spectra was reintroduced.

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