Loving the link
Loving the link
Thank Ya!!!
You should totally make the Pendulum is Shit stickers... ... that way someone comes up and asks for pendulum you can just look them right in the eyes and point to it.... lol...
Other solution... play some pendulum... one of the decent remixes. Or a noisia remix of pendulum or something.
if they ask for Pendulum just play the Voodoo People remix, its a bangin track after all!
obsidiance » breaks-drum'n'bass-big beats
get a dry erase board. write "requests" on the top of it in permanent marker and use some black electric tape to make two columns: ARTIST and SONG.
tape a string to a black dry erase marker and tape the string to the board.
"This is the soundtrack to the nightmares in which I can't wake up. I'm about to be murdered, or I'm being forced to jump off a cliff. Thank you."
thats a little over the top i think, it's pretty common around here to have a request book type thing that people can come up and add to. its a good idea because even if you don't use it to actually select songs it's a fun read in the morning :P
obsidiance » breaks-drum'n'bass-big beats
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The thing is you don't want people to think you have your head up your own arse by not taking their requests what so ever or holding up signs saying you dont take requests. People are just going to get the impression that your full of yourself, whether that be true or not.
Try conveniently being busy with some cue juggles, effects, cueing, filtering, whatever it takes. Failing that and they keep hanging around give them the request pad, if they come back then tell them that your sorry but you didn't have the song they requested.
Give everyone an individual bit of paper to write on, carry some post-it's (the deck of paper that you can stick on things). That way they cant see what else has been requested and the fact that you might not be playing anyones requests at all.
Its your job to keep the peace and not give anyone anyone a reason to dislike you.
Thats my opinion anyway.
I agree with Bento, it's better to keep drunken fools atleast a bit better mood. You probably don't want to be the reason they are drunk, irritated and angry at the dance floor. Well, atleast you don't want to make that situation any worse than it already is.
I don't think that dj should take it that much personally, if they don't know you, you are just a dj to them. Even though sometimes it can be hard if you are trying to do your best and "idiots" don't appreciate it. But I don't think arrogant attitude does any good in the long run. Sometimes it's needed, but I wouldn't recommend it as common behaviour.
Best would be to keep your cool, they just want to hear some stuff they like, you don't like it and don't want to play it. So it's either you become upset or they become upset. :P
And keep in mind you are being paid to entertain them. They might be drunken fools, and you have a bit of leeway, especially in a themed style night (DnB, techno, industrial, etc.) but you want them to stay to keep drinking.
This is a problem I've run into many times. I can't express in basic English how many times I've been spinning some brutally abrasive powernoise/industrial when some chick will walk up to me
"Do you have any Madonna"
And I just stare at her dumbfounded.
You should have spat her in the moustache d00d!
That's just plain muckery!
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