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Thread: punters

  1. #41


    Madonna gabber mash up!
    SyblingQ - Electro House for dark alleys.

  2. #42
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    the worst part is upstairs is all 80's. But she wanted to hear "old" Madonna. I think I said something like "We don't play old people music here" which is a total lie, but they don't know the difference.
    It's the FAQ. Read it.

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  3. #43
    Tech Mentor Aanrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post
    And keep in mind you are being paid to entertain them. They might be drunken fools, and you have a bit of leeway, especially in a themed style night (DnB, techno, industrial, etc.) but you want them to stay to keep drinking.
    Yep, good point also.

    This is a problem I've run into many times. I can't express in basic English how many times I've been spinning some brutally abrasive powernoise/industrial when some chick will walk up to me

    "Do you have any Madonna"

    And I just stare at her dumbfounded.
    Ouch that's just bad. But it's hard to try to imagine what's going on in someone's head. Someone who's drunk and doesn't think about the music as passionate as we do. To us it's big part of our lives, to her music could be just the songs in top 40 radio channel which she is used to hear (not listen) and party to.

    Of course it's not for me to judge her music taste, she might be just happy with the easy listening songs that are selected for her by the big music companies and radio staff and she knows that if it plays in her favorite top 40 radio, it must be good. And other's must like it too, so she doesn't have to think if this is a good song or not. Decision is made for her and she just has to like it. :P

    It's so nice to be a normal average person. Everything is decided and you don't have to think what you really like or what you really feel. Just go with the rest. Easy eh?

    Same psychology works on the dance floor, if you get enough ppl to look like they are enjoying the music, the undecided will "grow" to like it as well. When they see other ppl dancing, they think it's ok to dance and so the snow ball starts to flow. Same can happen to other direction of course, when ppl have mentioned dance floors getting empty in minutes when the "wrong" song is played.

  4. #44
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    Oh, I don't judge her tastes at all. I'm listen to folk music, classical, jazz, noise, etc. etc. etc....

    But I'd never go to a goth/industrial club and request Okkervil River, or The Nields, or Big Head Todd and the Monsters... like I'd never go to a House club and request Bauhaus, or Skinny Puppy or Ministry. *shrug*

    People need to be set on fire more often, that's my solution
    It's the FAQ. Read it.

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  5. #45
    Tech Guru Damien1138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post
    People need to be set on fire more often, that's my solution
    Agreed. Fire cleanses everything, even ignorance

  6. #46
    Tech Mentor Aanrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post
    Oh, I don't judge her tastes at all. I'm listen to folk music, classical, jazz, noise, etc. etc. etc....

    But I'd never go to a goth/industrial club and request Okkervil River, or The Nields, or Big Head Todd and the Monsters... like I'd never go to a House club and request Bauhaus, or Skinny Puppy or Ministry. *shrug*

    People need to be set on fire more often, that's my solution
    Nah, I didn't mean that you judged or would judge. I just explained my own thoughts about the subject and where I (try to) stand. And I agree totally that you'd think that ppl would have a bit of common sense about what to ask and where. Don't go to heavy metal bar and ask for rnb etc etc.

    Ppl on fire. 'Tru dat, tru dat', they say.

  7. #47
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    ppl on fire is not enough.. Deny their existence is more like it.

    LoLz... nah.. but...the more we talk about it, the more we get carried away.. maybe we should move over to the Slowchat threads.
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  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post
    "Do you have any Madonna"
    say "yeah" and play this:

    "This is the soundtrack to the nightmares in which I can't wake up. I'm about to be murdered, or I'm being forced to jump off a cliff. Thank you."

  9. #49


    My personal opinion is guys making requests is the most punk ass shit ever . now girls makin requests if I can fit it in I'll do it if it's doing it . As you need girls shakin their asses to make a party happen as well as bangin music . But if I can't fit it in I'll just ell them I'll see what I can do but as of right now it can't happen . It all really depends on what the party is all about .

  10. #50
    Tech Guru Kaon's Avatar
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    i kinda like the pretend we're foreign idea. itd be real easy to get away with in new zealand. but saying that theres some pretty good ideas in this thread
    Quote Originally Posted by dripstep View Post
    Kaon, none of that has to do with drum and bass.

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