Spinning on 2 VCI SE - Useful or useless?
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  1. #1

    Default Spinning on 2 VCI SE - Useful or useless?

    Hello guys,

    I iknow that some of you are spinning on 2 VCI SE at once. Is it really more comfortable? allowing you to manage better the decks? more ease of use? more capabilities?

    More crazy stuff tp do or not really?

    What's your take on it? What and how do you use your 2 controllers?

    Let us know guys!! :eek:
    Last edited by MehdiVancouver; 12-18-2009 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru
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    I dont use 2 vci's, but if I did, here's how I would do it (4 decks, internal mixing):

    1 vci would be in normal mode, decks A/B (with eans mapping), with the effects section set to the loops setting. the other vci would be set up to C/D, but would be in Fader fx mode, to control effects banks 1/2 and you would either use the normal effects section for banks 3/4, or throw it into eq effects mode for those two (this version would require you to be able to adjust eq of decks C/D from the first vci, which would then make that vci almost completely dedicated to mixing). You could either do it this way, and this would be a fun to use setup for 2 people off of one laptop, or you could do it yourself (although 1 vci has tons of functionality). Or, you could just use 2 vci's in normal mode (with only 1 xfader active), and just have control of the decks split up, and do your fading with the line faders, or just have 1 person riding the xfade

    I think this would be a fun setup, because of the sheer amount of effects control a vci +traktor 1.2.x offers, when it doesnt have to worry about internal mixing. I love Fader fx mode (even though all I get to use is the jogs, stupid stupid 1.2 fw), cause you really get to get physical with your gear, and it looks like you are actually doing stuff (not checking your email).

  3. #3


    Oh god is sounds so awesome!!!! I am that close to buy 2!!
    Thanks Sine143!

    Any other ideas guys on how you would or already do it?


  4. #4
    Tech Guru
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    quick question:

    Are you looking to spin with 2 vci's splite between 2 people, or 1 person on 2 vci's?

  5. #5


    Thanks for your response Sine143 - So in order to do it as you recommend, I would need one arcade version and one just plain version?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by sine143 View Post
    quick question:

    Are you looking to spin with 2 vci's splite between 2 people, or 1 person on 2 vci's?
    Myself only! I am a total beginner, but I figured that 2 vci would give me more clarity to handle to 4 decks.

  7. #7
    Tech Guru
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    You would not need the Arcade version, Merely 2 vci's, with at least 1 of them having upgraded firmware and Eans Mapping (or, actually a slightly modded version of it). You may want to purchase the overlay (i kind of just memorized it)

    But honestly, from a beginning standpoint, 1 VCI is almost more than enough. The amount of functionality within the device is pretty incredible, and unless you have been mixing for a little while (on cd/vinyl/ W/e) its going to take a little bit just to learn how to phrase your mixes correctly, which will really help them sound smooth.

    The benifits for a single person mixing on 2 VCI's is not as great as that of 2 people mixing on 2 vci's. However, I would love to do what I described above, I just dont really have the time or the money to perfect 4 deck mixing at the moment.

  8. #8


    ahah... yeah thanks... I know I get a bit over excited... I heard some people were doing it and I was wondering if I should hop on it as well.

    You are right, at first, let's just play with one! Ah!

    Thanks for all of your info


  9. #9
    Tech Guru
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    I would probably just buy a 4 channel mixer and mix externally.
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  10. #10
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
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    Mixing with two vci's with two of you is a blast but I think if its just the one of you you will find that you could be doing pretty much everything on one.

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