Behringer CMD Series - Page 102
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  1. #1011
    Tech Guru MrPopinjay's Avatar
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    Huh, cool. Was this a thing anyone could join in with that I missed?

    Ask them about a X1/F1/K2 style case/stand that'll bring the units up to mixer height. Currently mine's balanced on some books :P
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  2. #1012
    Tech Mentor Aleeeeeks's Avatar
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    Yeah he said that Behringer will most likely make their own cases and desk savers for the CMD products

  3. #1013
    Tech Guru MrPopinjay's Avatar
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  4. #1014
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Actually Craig said there are some other company then Behringer that will make some cases and savers that modular line will fit in. The other point was that Beri should more likely make their own cases than making cooperation with somebody.

  5. #1015


    Well the talk is over now, and here's the big, big news: No Remix Deck support, as previously stated by nem0nic on here. Sad times, but understandable :P

    The REASON is because in the future - if the new Behringer stuff really takes off - there's the potential for possibly bundling Traktor (probably LE - my 2 pence) with future releases etc, and they basically don't want to piss NI off, which makes sense.

    I asked Craig very nicely if there was a possibility of open sourcing the firmware for the DC-1 to allow us modders to play about getting Remix support (and other cool things) integrated; basically "no", although technically it was a "not at the current time", but again for the same reasons as stated above.

    Another interesting thing: "The One" software isn't vapourware, and considering the amicable relationship between the developers and Behringer, native support for the CMD series in The One when it's eventually released is a good possibility. Not to mention that the features included in The One would likely take advantage of the entire line in a way that Traktor/VDJ isn't currently capable of doing.

    Unfortunately I joined the talk rather late so missed out on a bunch of stuff, I'll let the others fill you in on the rest

  6. #1016
    Tech Mentor Aleeeeeks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Actually Craig said there are some other company then Behringer that will make some cases and savers that modular line will fit in. The other point was that Beri should more likely make their own cases than making cooperation with somebody.
    Oh okay i must have misheard that, whooops.

  7. #1017
    Tech Guru
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    Just to be clear, the reason we aren't interested in reverse engineering the Remix Deck functionality isn't JUST because we don't want to piss NI off. That's part of the issue to be sure, but not the whole reason. The other part of that is respecting their vision for their own products.

    The Remix Deck functionality is new territory for not just NI, but DJ software as a whole. It's not just sample triggering. It's a whole ecosystem, with it's own file type and workflow. They know better than anyone else how to make that work, and they've designed a controller around it. Is it TECHNICALLY possible to map that workflow to another controller?

    Of course it is.

    But NI has to think about what's going to happen when they're trying to get DJs used to using a a new workflow, and that workflow gets all muddied up by trying to shoehorn it into a controller that was never designed to work with it. People will try it out, get frustrated because it isn't elegant, and dismiss it before they've had a chance to REALLY experience it. The Remix Decks aren't a short term play by NI. It's a long term thing, and they're protecting their workflow.

    As a hardware developer and someone who stands to gain quite a bit if the functionality were to open up, I still understand why they've locked it down (for now).

  8. #1018
    Tech Mentor Aleeeeeks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nem0nic View Post
    Just to be clear, the reason we aren't interested in reverse engineering the Remix Deck functionality isn't JUST because we don't want to piss NI off. That's part of the issue to be sure, but not the whole reason. The other part of that is respecting their vision for their own products.

    The Remix Deck functionality is new territory for not just NI, but DJ software as a whole. It's not just sample triggering. It's a whole ecosystem, with it's own file type and workflow. They know better than anyone else how to make that work, and they've designed a controller around it. Is it TECHNICALLY possible to map that workflow to another controller?

    Of course it is.

    But NI has to think about what's going to happen when they're trying to get DJs used to using a a new workflow, and that workflow gets all muddied up by trying to shoehorn it into a controller that was never designed to work with it. People will try it out, get frustrated because it isn't elegant, and dismiss it before they've had a chance to REALLY experience it. The Remix Decks aren't a short term play by NI. It's a long term thing, and they're protecting their workflow.

    As a hardware developer and someone who stands to gain quite a bit if the functionality were to open up, I still understand why they've locked it down (for now).
    well said sir, i agree

  9. #1019
    Tech Mentor Aleeeeeks's Avatar
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    So i actually red every single page of this forum over the past 2 weeks, just a little at a time. It's insane, it was like reading a drama/comedy for DJ and tech audio nerds, loved it! I've just been obsessing over this CMD line since i saw it at NAMM so i've been trying to soak up as much info as possible.

  10. #1020
    Tech Mentor Aleeeeeks's Avatar
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    I actually recorded most of the webinar with a small sound recorder Just to try and give back a lil somethin' to DJTT and everyone involved in this insane/amazing thread. with nemonic's blessing, i would love to upload it and post a dropbox link for everyone to partake #stoked

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