I listened to a bit like to the sample they talked about in the article, I'd get a headache listening to the full track ('bout half an hour). Could totally work as a dubstep bassline with a bit more modulation (sidechained lowpass or such)...![]()
I listened to a bit like to the sample they talked about in the article, I'd get a headache listening to the full track ('bout half an hour). Could totally work as a dubstep bassline with a bit more modulation (sidechained lowpass or such)...![]()
they should just listen to some DnB super loud and close they're eyes...you'll feel something after awhile. More than I can say for the bs they're selling.
2 x Technics 1200 mk5
Behringer DJX 700
Traktor Scratch Pro and Audio 8 DJ
Novation Dicers
"and could be a gateway band to harder, more dangerous psychedelic fare like Pink Floyd.
Pink Floyd wtf?
Not to be a SoCal elitist snob but when I see stuff like this it makes me think...SHIT...Im SO glad I dont live in a places like this...then I remember I do (it just comes in different flavors)
On a side note..not too sure how this compares but a family member turned me onto it. Its called Holosync (http://www.centerpointe.com/about/faq.php) Im the 1st to admit that I dont buy into all the philosophy bullshit nor did I pay a dime for it but it has been a *very* interesting experience for me.
Definitely not a "high" or anything physical but one thing I noticed right off the bat was remembering random images (mostly settings) of past dreams (from several years ago), random memories/thoughts from the past that had no reason to be running though my mind (things that hadn't crossed my mind in years), vivid & symbolic dreams that I would actually remember on a daily basis (and I rarely remember my dreams)
plus "1st one is free"![]()