Bars per Phrase for Techno music in Preferances for TPro?? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    alrighty, here we go.

    Music is made up of notes. A few hundred years ago (realistically not that long ago) some composers decided to start designating measures into music. This, in a sense, standardized the phrasing of most songs.

    Notes are measured by their length. The time signature designates how many notes are in that measure. The bottom number is the size of the notes (1 is whole note, 2 is half note, there is no three, 4 is quarter note, 8 is 8th note, 16 is 16th note, etc.) while the top number is how many of those notes are in that measure. So, 4/4 means there are 4 quarter notes per measure. 3/4 would mean 3 quarter notes. 7/8 would mean 7 8th notes.

    Now the thing we all need to keep in mind is that these phrases do not refer to dance music exclusively. It has nothing to do with numbers of beats per phrase (there's no reference for 16/16 which would make a lot more sense) because there's no way to standardize that. Classical music and jazz is not structured anywhere like pop or dance music.

    if you were to write, or read, musical notation, 4/4 makes a LOT of sense.
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  2. #12


    Sorry for bringing it up...
    SyblingQ - Electro House for dark alleys.

  3. #13
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    hehe it's all good.

    Honestly, I think that DJs should learn this stuff. There's not desperate need to master music theory, but I think that there is a good use for understand song structure, to make mixing that much better. There is a logic to it, after all
    It's the FAQ. Read it.

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