Echo Audio Indigo DJX Now Available - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Guru MiL0's Avatar
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    Brighton / Bangkok


    I've got the original pcmcia version - the latency is very good.. no drop outs either.

    the good things are as above but also that it doesn't require any external power supplies and its very hard to accidentally disconnect it.

    the bad thing is that it uses 3.5mm jacks (due to space contraints) which apart from being slightly unprofessional, are also prone to getting damaged. My monitor output is slightly crackly now so I have to be very careful when inserting and removing headphones as it creates a lot of loud noises. Having said that, I've gigged with it for over 5 years and travelled ALL over Asia and Oz with it. It's probably taken more of a beating than it would if you weren't travelling as much.

    overall I'd give the (original) card 8 out of 10

  2. #12
    Tech Mentor
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    London, UK

    Default similar question hoping someone has now had a go and given it a decent 4 hr thrashing

    getting sick of lugging around a large external usb card, but of course still want to maintain sound quality and decent latency.. anyone tried this card out yet?

  3. #13
    Tech Mentor emil_brikha's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    I have it and as much as I love it, it has fucked me over a few times when I dance juuuuuust a bit to much in the DJ booth.

    Depending on how your cardslot is built it is holding the card more or less secure. Using the plastic piece that comes with it to make it nice and snug is ESSENTIAL but I have still managed a couple of times to accidently nudge it out of its place and freeze my software. (ALWAYS keep a backup CD or something at hand)

    Latency is good, sound quality is more than okay, nothing mind blowing but the portability and ease of not having to plug in anything else is just amazing.

    Coincidently I'm selling my to go for a sturdier USB thing so if you wanna buy mine. I'm in Malta.
    Emil Beatsnatcher Brikha | | Dell XPS M1330 (2.1 ghz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB ram), Traktor Pro 2.03, Novation Twitch.

  4. #14
    Tech Mentor
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    London, UK


    if it 100% defo expresscard not PCMCIA i would be interested in buying it, but am not sure how we do that as you are in malta. if you have an ebay account we could maybe go thru that. how old is it and how much do you want for it?


  5. #15
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    This has been out for at least a year. I bought it last summer and hated it. Sound Quality is the NOT good unless ur DJing in small clubs or your basememnt. Also the sound Output (for both Main and headphone) is extremely weak and it is required that you setup the Control Panel properties correctly which is completely inexplained in the manual and ridiculously confusing and un-nessesary.

    Also the output jacks are the 1/8th size (Ipod Headphone Jack Size) and arent anything I would trust in a profectional envierment...
    Last edited by thictool; 03-24-2010 at 03:06 PM.

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