The led behaviour on the sample play buttons were made like that:
each one is a beat phase monitor output, I've just divided the range in 4 for a group of four buttons (and reverse the order of the settings for the other group:
1st setting -0.3; -0.3
2nd: -0.1; -0.1
3rd: 0.1; 0.1
4th : 0.3;0.3
midi range is still 0 to 127
I've duplicated for each button 4 times the function, each one assigned to one of the 4 decks (so that's 4 output functions to create per led). I did it that way because of the limitations of the beat phase monitor itself (doesn't work if your track is within a loop under 1 beat) or because of the assignment itself (ie doesn't work if your track isn't playing). Duplicating the function for each deck maximise the chances the leds will blink in any given time.
As Photojojo mentioned it can be easily done using a volume output command instead (probably the master level and you divide the range between the buttons) and it may be a better choice actually (because you don't have to duplicate like I did the beat phase monitor).
Issues I met speaking of leds:
- when switching to midi mode the led states may or may not be updated (when going from native to midi). That sucks a lot, even by adding some send monitor state commands you can't really trust what you see (as you may want to map some critical controls like FX units assignments and have led feedback for that).
- in midi mode, the S4 can't handle the led feedback I've created in the first place. Originally, all three ranges of buttons for a deck layer were blinking in turn. Then when I did the same for the other layer, suddenly some leds started to not be updated anymore. I checked everything. I don't know if I 'overloaded' the capacity of the S4 by using beat phase monitor commands so many times but after 10 buttons mapped, then I realised the following leds didn't work properly). It happened whatever the buttons I mapped and in what order, after several, everything messes. I don't really know what to think about that.
- even if I can do some tricks with midi mapping, it seems I have issues with simple commands now when it comes to the S4. I've only opened the controller editor for the first time recently, changed the messages accordingly but for some buttons it seems I'm not able to map a simple on/off led output. Weird.