:eek: Damn, I dont want to play mad scientist with my SE, but i'll do it for v1.4
:eek: Damn, I dont want to play mad scientist with my SE, but i'll do it for v1.4
sooo excited for this!
Hooray for the new firmware! I just re-assembled my vci after upgrading it 5 mins ago Will 1.4 only fix the "play" led issue?
I finally wanted to spend this weekend configuring my own midi-mapping so if there are more, bigger changes I might wait a little longer with that.
Gotta bump that "Ean Thank You" thread now.
any word on when the VCI-100 Firmware Kit will be available again.
I am sensing I might need an upgrade kit soon with the secret firmware
pitch faders + jog wheels at 14bit resolution...
HiRes Pitch Faders!? SUHWEEET!
But wait, Vestax is coding those special firmwares, right? Aren't they proactively eliminating the last reason to invest in a VCI-300 then?
I don't think it's being developed by Vestax. As much as I like the quality of their products, have you ever tried getting support from them?
If it wasn't for DJTT, I would have gotten rid of my vci-100 when one of my jogwheels was stuck out of the boxed.
I think this is Ean and his team working hard to make a great product even better. He may have Vestax's blessing, (or he may have insight to things because of his connections w/vestax( but I don't think they're actually doing the coding.
Either way, I hope the HR is for High Res....with the PLAY light finally working! Woo hoo.
and maybe firmware v1.2 included for good measure!
High Res is definitely great. I +1 all the LEDs being mappable and functional. Including the ones in the browser section too.