Mapping Traktor 2.6.2 Remix Deck Slots/Cells according to page state of Remix Deck ? - Page 2
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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Yeah, from the people's input that I've seen in this forum the K2 output isn't very mapping friendly. Never tried one myself though.
    Well, it is not as bad as it may sound. It is simply the way A&H implemented the color chosing for the output, that is somewhat impractical. The combination of colour+on/off state on the notes is a broken design. They should have gone for a single note for each LED and used the velocity to do the colour picking. That would at least alleviate the problems that I have had.
    So right now it is more a matter of mapping the unit as if there was only a single colour for each LED.

    But otherwise the unit is fine to map.

  2. #12
    Tech Convert
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    Toronto, Canada

    Default Very helpful, thanks

    Was busy making multiple pages for my Launchpad in Midi Katapult to control the different pages. This way is so much better, controlling everything from one page. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Add your modifier to the actual sample cell triggers!

    1-4 page 1
    5-8 page 2
    9-12 page 3
    13-16 page 4

    Use page selector command to change between remix deck pages and if your modifier is assigned correctly for all sells the triggers should follow.

  3. #13


    this is indeed wonderfull and was looking for.

    However, this is for 1 remix deck only.

    Easiest option is to copy this mapping on a second bank for let's say deck D.

    Is there any solution I can map these out for deck focus in order to save an extra bank?
    (deck selection with side buttons)

  4. #14
    Tech Mentor
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    Sorry to dig up an old thread but this is exactly what i am trying to do but can't seem to achieve it, i'm still getting my head around mapping.

    I have setup my controller to scroll through the pages but i have directly mapped the pads to each cell so even when the page is changed it plays the first page only.

    Would appreciate if anyone could clear up the instructions already in this thread. Thanks

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default can u help

    Quote Originally Posted by djmichaelwenz View Post
    I am very happy with the new direct cell mapping of the Remix Decks in Traktor it is quite awesome! I am in the process of mapping out my A&H K2 to play each of the cells in the remix decks and I am wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question....

    It seems I can map the cells directly but with the K2 and not using a Modifier I am limited to the top page of cells regardless of the page state. I am able to scroll up and down the page state of the remix decks but since the cells are directly mapped individually scrolling to the bottom 3 pages still plays the top page. I know I might be asking for a bit much but does anyone know how to assign each slot to play based on the page of the remix decks?
    Have more or less the same problem and i'm stuck on this part...

  6. #16
    Tech Mentor
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    Come on, somebody must know

  7. #17
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    You should use the "Sample Page Selector" modifier and set it to correct Remix Deck.


    Once the modifier is set, use the "Value" slot to determine the sample page

  8. #18
    Tech Mentor
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    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    You should use the "Sample Page Selector" modifier and set it to correct Remix Deck.


    Once the modifier is set, use the "Value" slot to determine the sample page
    It's not working, what is the modifier assigned to, the cell? I'm a complete noob so may have missed the point :P

  9. #19
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    I suggest you to download my MF3D Remix Deck mapping and see how to set pages based on my settings:

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    and the cue points and modifiers?

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