Mixvibes 2.5 with key detection - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Guru
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    York, UK


    Rekordbox is not actively used during sets by the "big names". Only in the preparation stage for putting tracks onto USB.

    Controllers almost always work better for the software they were designed for, and there is little incentive for someone buy additional software when their controller already comes bundled with Serato, Traktor, or VDJ.
    VCM100 / X1 / DJM250 / DJM900 / CDJ2000s / Maschine / Audio2+4 / 2i4 / HS8s / TSP 2.6.8
    Macbook Air i7-3667U+8GB 10.9 / Win7x64 i5-3570k+24GB

  2. #12
    Tech Guru dj gullum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Faroe Islands


    I agree to some point. Rekordbox makes it possible for those "Big names" to travel the world with only a USB thump drive if they like to.
    If you get a controller with SeratoDJ intro it would be cheeper to get CrossDJ + Video plugin the the upgrade from intro to DJ. it's also cheeper then going VDJ LE to Pro. I bought CrossDJ back in December version 2.3 already now they have had 2 updates that actually add some things. during the same time I've had SeratoDJ whit several updates adding almost nothing but support for more controllers and a few bug fixes. VDJ for 3-4 years and was version 7 back then and it's still ad 7.X now. Traktor being the only other software that has added anything worth mentioning but IMO they have added to much.
    I can agree that they would benefit from being bundled with some known brand name controller.
    DJ setup 1 - Pioneer XDJ-Aero, Pioneer DDJ-SP1, Mixvibes Cross, Macbook Air 13", Pioneer HDJ 2000. DJ setup 2 - NI Kontrol F1, Z1, X1mkII, Traktor Pro2, Macbook Air 13", Pioneer HDJ 2000 w. Production - iMac 21.5", Motu 828x, Icon Qcon Pro + EX, Nektar Panorama P4, Propellerhead Reason, Mashine Mikro(drum programer in Reason)

  3. #13
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    it works with any soundcard

  4. #14
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Dope dope dope. it's so freakin easy to start tampering with harmonic mixing !! I'm loving the harmonic suggestions for an easy crowd pleasing killer transition :-)

    Good job MixVibes keep it up !!

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