Did You Tell NI How They Did In 2014 - Page 2
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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by kooper1980 View Post
    It's in a very poor state? Either I have an unusually stable system or you're just expecting way too much. Since updating to 2.7.whatever I've probably clocked up more than 100 hours of use, in which time I've had not one program crash, freeze, pop or glitch.

    What bugs are you experiencing?
    - Crashes when selecting the iTunes node
    - DPI scaling is broken when using dual monitors
    - Can't use the mouse to adjust controls when using on second monitor
    - Multicore support still doesn't work

    And I'm sure others could list a lot more.

    I'm on Win 8.1, which is probably why you haven't experienced the same problems I have.

    Except for multicore support, all of these things worked in 2.6.8. Each update seems to make things worse.

  2. #12
    Tech Wizard
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    Sep 2013


    2.7.3 rock solid for me - I'm Mac - the stable platform of choice! ;-)

  3. #13
    Tech Mentor
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    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by nezza View Post
    2.7.3 rock solid for me - I'm Mac - the stable platform of choice! ;-)
    Same here, i've never had a single issue in all my years using Traktor, not even a single crash... I could sit and bitch to them about slow updates but what exactly do i want it to do? I am just a Dj and i want to mix timecode, it does that amazingly well for me so i am content enough. a facelift would be nice but i'd be hoping not to stare too much at the laptop anyway.

  4. #14
    Tech Mentor JohnnyDrama's Avatar
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by nezza View Post
    2.7.3 rock solid for me - I'm Mac - the stable platform of choice! ;-)
    Same here

    @NI: be more nice to long time paying customers, newbies always get better deals...customer loyality means jack sh*t @NI and early adopters pay premium to be glorified testers
    If they don’t want to see the light…..just make them feel the beat…..

  5. #15
    Tech Mentor
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    Jun 2011
    NJ USA


    I didn't get the email... guess they don't care what I think

    Although, I do like the Maschine update they did. Can not complain about having the same device since 2009 and only had to pay one small upgrade since.

    As for Traktor... still on 2.6.8 on my gigging laptop and it's been pretty good... although, I had an audio drop out at the end of a 5 hour set this weekend. Need to troubleshoot that one.

  6. #16
    Tech Mentor
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    May 2011


    I did n gave them low ratings so they improve in every area!

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