Kontrol X1 MK1 issue with 3.0 USB HUB? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Convert
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    Feb 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by the_bastet View Post
    Do you have it plugged into a USB port on your PC/Laptop?
    Plugged in to a 3.0 USB on the back of my PC. Then plugged it into a different 3.0 USB port on PC. Same thing.

  2. #12
    Tech Guru the_bastet's Avatar
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    Damn man. I had the same hub and never had any issues. If you are running an Intel K series cpu with UEFI, disable intel turbo boost in UEFI Bios settings. It plays hell with audio software.
    - Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6

  3. #13
    Tech Convert
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    I have Etron 3.0 USB ports on the back of my Asrock MOBO. Pretty annoying lol; probably going to return it and get the 2.0 one, wasn't sure if it was a X1 thing or not, since I noticed on the X1 MK2, it has an orange USB plastic plug, vs the black one on the MK1.

    Actually trying it again, it works fine UNTIL you load a track and hit play, then it starts getting laggy feedback.

    I am overclocked on my i5-2500k and do have boost off already, but thanks for the heads up on that lol.

    Did you have the 3.0 HUB? I noticed they also make a 2.0 one.

  4. #14
    Tech Guru the_bastet's Avatar
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    Why didnt you just say you had an ASRock mobo to begin with. :-p

    I had the 3.0 hub, but it collected more dust than my behring cmd controllers do, so I sold it.

    In my production rig, I'm running an Asus X99 Deluxe II, Intel i7 5820K (Stable overclock to 4ghz), and 32gb of Corsair Vengeance 3300, with a 128GB Samsung Evo 950 m.2 for the OS. I boot linux and run Win 8.1 pro and OSX within VMWare. I have yet to make the thing do anything it can't handle.
    - Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6

  5. #15
    Tech Convert
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    Feb 2017


    LOL! ASRock is a bad MOBO? This is the first time I've had any issues with it to be honest, but it is quite annoying. I'm actually thinking of experimenting with something like adding another set of 3.0 USB ports to it (not etron) and seeing if it works lol.

    Your rig sounds amazing! I want to rebuild mine (it's about 5 years old now I believe) but decided to invest in some DJ gear lol

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