Introduce Yourself - DjTechTools Roll Call! - Page 28
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  1. #271



    1. Don't know yet.

    2. Las Vegas, NV

    3. Top40, Mashups, Vocal Trance
    Numark NS7 | Asus U81A - C2D 2.1ghz 4gb 320gb | Serato Itch | Traktor Pro | Homework Help

  2. #272
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Miltenberg Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by JesC View Post
    I want to get to know all the new dj's on the here we go!

    1. Whats your Dj Name/Real Name (optional)

    2. Where you are from (City/Country)

    3. Stlye of music you enjoy playing.


    1. JesC (Jesse)

    2. East Los Angeles

    3. Indie/Electro Rock

    Hello spinners...and greets from Miltenberg Germany. I am Keith Alban and although I live in Germany...(because of a hot 6 foot redhead that I am married to for over 10 years now) I am an American. I come from Washington state...Spokane to be exact. I went to high school there and also disc jockey college. No shit, it was school, history of radio, different approach to what we know as a DJ...the radio DJ is what I was really into. Besides I am a drummer, play the didge and am left handed and flows through my veins, dudes...has along.

    Now I am in a very interesting situation. I am starting my own biz. this thing that has consumed me passionately all along....gets the "LEAP OF FAITH" in a do or go broke trying kind of way.

    But we have an interesting concept and we concentrate on a different audience then I think most of you cats. We, for example are multi media waveform artists. We perform in unconventional locations like aviaries. We strive to do things like create an enchanted fairy forest environment for our audience in a trade show,( there are lots in the Frankfurt Messe Center. for a customer like Volkswagen. ) Where the mission statement is "RELAX" that's where we step up to the plate and say 'I know that one.' that's why they came to us, we are chill and psybient, lounge and chillhouse, down tempo and sound design...we perform as a DJ with set structure; this is true...

    but perform live interludes, spontaneous added elements and live, real time input and more We use Aromatherapy style fans and add wonderful scents into the air... Our fellow members from supply us with outrageous video & graphic material that we beam during the shows.... next to the Lemur which runs usually beamed above us, letting the crowd follow the plasma screen.

    But we are not a band....or a DJ.

    We perform in sky lounges and travel lounge lizards in the hot sun. But again, not a bar, venue, or concert hall, (which are normally the choices on a typical website. )

    Nor is our act a hip hop or rock or typical " Genre" of audience....These kinds of mistakes I try to listening to the people. Go like a thinker....and push the envelope. Take the time before you launch to get it right... and that is where we are right now in the process.

    our mission,

    : : : CHILL THE PLANET : : :

    we will be following your flightpath from the chill deck,
    Last edited by brainstorm; 03-10-2009 at 01:23 AM.

  3. #273
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    Afterhour Ali's lap


    Ah yeah.. you'll fly for a firepie. (Did that too. Eventhough that was years ago! :P)

    Glad to have you onboard brainstorm.
    RSTRCTD | twitter | facebook (RSTRCTD) facebook (LJ) | vimeo | pinterest | my studio | soundcloud (RSTRCTD)| soundcloud (LJ)

  4. #274
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Hi everyone:

    I'm new around here. I'm thinking about getting a VCI 300

    1. Nacho
    2. Madrid Spain
    3. Funk/Hip Hop etc

    See ya

  5. #275
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sheffield, UK


    Hi guys, been meaning to make my first post for a few weeks now but have had horrific amount of coursework to do and i keep putting it off!

    I'm Si, I'm from Sheffield UK and play Progressive House and Techno mainly.

    I've been digital dj'ing since about 2004 (also had decks for a time too but got too expensive to feed my tune addiciton with vinyl), used to use Virtual DJ but wanted to get more out of my sets so moved to traktor and got a VCI 100 and Audio8 last September. Been following this site for a few months now (lurking in the shadows) and its a very useful resource full of very helpful people! Was very impressed with the modfications and imagination gone into getting more from the VCI 100 and have ordered a firmware kit etc so I can enjoy Ean's handywork!

    Hopefully I will manage to contribute something useful back to the community in the coming months!

  6. #276
    Tech Wizard Slackman25's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    United Kingdom


    Hi my name is Ollie i am from the UK, i have been DJing and promoting since 1990 in my home city of Birmingham but have DJ'ed in London, Sheffield, Bristol, Barcelona, Ibiza, Marbella and many other places. I have promoted a number of successful club nights over the years playing host to such guests as James Lavelle from Mo Wax The psychonauts, Erol Alkan, 2 Many DJs, Black Strobe, Mark Almond (Soft Cell) DJ Food, The Scissor Sisters to name but a few.

    I started off playing rave records back in 1990 from there progressed onto house music and by 1994 was playing big beat at a night that myself and a few friends ran that was considered up there with the heavenly social in London the birth place of the chemical Brothers named Fungle Junk.

    By 2000 i was playing the very early incarnation of what we now know as electro house, however by 2006 i was very bored with this scene so started to do some research into early chicago and detroit house. This music ignited a new passion into my DJing. Through my record hunting i became really into disco and Italo disco.

    This all seemed to coinside with the flurishing nu disco scene around the UK which kind of brings me to now. I had become sick of lugging masive heavy record bags around so digital djing seemed like the perfect solution. I went out and got a laptop Traktor 3 and a BCD 3000 and began re learning to DJ.

    After 12 months of messing around at home i felt i was ready to play live. It went OK but i found Traktor 3 awkward to use and went back to the drawing board. Luckly for me NI brought out Traktor pro which sorted out all the issues i had with the previous version. So i went out and got a VCI 100 and have not looked back.

  7. #277
    Tech Guru Kaon's Avatar
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    The Tron, Noiseeland


    Quote Originally Posted by Slackman25 View Post
    I started off playing rave records back in 1990 from there progressed onto house music and by 1994 was playing big beat at a night that myself and a few friends ran that was considered up there with the heavenly social in London the birth place of the chemical Brothers named Fungle Junk.
    fuck yea! ive never met a big beat dj before!
    it my favourite genre after drum and bass and dubstep.
    which gives me a thought.... bigstep! oooo
    Quote Originally Posted by dripstep View Post
    Kaon, none of that has to do with drum and bass.

  8. #278


    Quote Originally Posted by Slackman25 View Post
    Hi my name is Ollie i am from the UK, i have been DJing and promoting since 1990 in my home city of Birmingham
    dayem! it's a small world! i am living there at the moment! nightlife is crazy over here!

    i like to spin dubstep, drum & bass, electro, house and occasionally a little hip-hop as well. i dj from my kitchen, does this make me a kitchen dj? LOL

    nice to meet you all!

  9. #279
    Tech Mentor JeRK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Im in Miami B**CH!

    Default Big Up to the DJ Techtools Fam

    The basics,

    1. DJ JeRK / Joel Richard Kienitz

    2. Miami,Florida

    3. Club Banging Beats. Anything that get the people moving.

    Been following this blog for quite some time. Ive been using 1200s and vinyl since 1999. I went to Serato a few years ago and never looked back. Been using keyboards, midi pads for DJ applications, but i finally just purchased my first DJ midi controller. a Vestax black vci-100. Should be here in 3 days. I wanted to join the forum to contribute to the discussions regarding the Vestax vci-100 since it seems to be the controller of choice. Can wait to let you guys hear some of the new stuff when that baby gets here. Nice to meet Everyone.

  10. #280
    Tech Wizard plusplus's Avatar
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    Feb 2009


    1. PlusPlus

    2. Amsterdam/Netherlands

    3. Electro, Alternative

    Looks like a nice community here

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