I'm gonna go ahead and agree with DJMaxOne here and say that the stability is KEY and very much worth the added price.
I've been using macs all my life and I very rarely have problems (the old iMac started to have problems but that started when it was 10 years old at which point the motherboard started to fail.... but it still works and it's 12 now.).
Also your argument of "Because I can" is kinda stupid as you can afford to buy one good computer vs. two potentially shoddy ones.
"Because 2 is the new black".... interesting colour system you have going there....
Also why have two when you will predominately be using one, better value for your money to just have one. You are better off to buy one computer, then have a good backup drive (with an os installed) which you could boot from when it is plugged into the computer.
If you reallllllly want to go the netbook route there is the possibility of a netbook which has had it's components flashed so it can run the mac OS. This would presumably give you the stability of the mac OS (I am unsure of how stable the hackintoshes are) and the small size of a netbook. I'm not sure about the costs to do this though. You can probably figure this out with a few google searches though.