cool. even more off topic but... midimasher should work fine on linux. i just haven't tried to build it recently on my kubuntu laptop as i'm only really using it with ableton and traktor on windows.
that debug file is showing that some other app has grabbed the lpd8 ports, or had grabbed and not released them properly, so midimasher wasn't about to connect.
i usually see that if i run traktor before running midimasher, or something else like midiox etc. also just very occasionally i've seen that error when even tho i've quit traktor the midi ports haven't been released properly.
it does output "failed to open out port LPD8" in that trace - but it's a bit hidden by all the default RtMidi lib errors. i should try and clean that up.
it does detect the lpd8 and correctly work out what port indexes to open.
very off topic but at least this is your own thread