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  1. #21
    Tech Mentor steveboyett's Avatar
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    I suggest recording your gigs when you're wasted. Then you can find out how fun it was for your audience, too.
    Steve Boyett
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  2. #22
    Tech Mentor djxsquizet's Avatar
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    i practiced that way....i was at my dorm chilling i had a few beers left and i was like. I am gonna see how I sound when I am drunk. I started the mix off with a little buzz then started chugging lol.

  3. #23
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    I used to sit with a bottle of vodka and a glass with some ice and just drink a little. I feel weird drinking alone in my apartment like that, though, so I avoid it.

    I try to remember to record my sets, but I'm usually too inebriated to remember.
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  4. #24


    I do record some of my sets... and laugh a lot. Most of the time I have a bad start so I just say f it and don't record anything.
    SyblingQ - Electro House for dark alleys.

  5. #25
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post
    If I'm following another DJ I just use them as the starting point unless I know exactly what I want to start with. This is where practice really comes in, as well as recording mixes. If you wantt o change the energy, point out to the crowd there's a new DJ, there's nothing wrong with that.

    If you want to carry the energy of the previous DJ just figure out what will follow him.

    Know your songs, know your crowd and know your abilities. [..]

    Also, what I'll do, is if I'm following someone and have the space, I'll go into the booth a few minutes early and start running through my collection for ideas. That way, by the time you're on, you have a general idea of your direction and can run with it. :-)
    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
    I also tend to do some trainspotting to get into the vibe, and gather some ideas.

    If the energy is great, then I tend to try and use the DJs last record to start off my set. Otherwise, I'll just let that record die and start off with a cool new track. Preferably one that starts semi-ambient and has a cool buildup.
    Last edited by tekki; 07-24-2008 at 03:24 PM.
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  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by tekki View Post
    Otherwise, I'll just let that record die and start off with a cool new track. Preferably one that starts semi-ambient and has a cool buildup.
    I like this idea for a beggining track. Maybe I'll try it this weekend.
    SyblingQ - Electro House for dark alleys.

  7. #27
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's not a bad idea. You have to be careful, though, with what you do. I wouldn't play a song with a long intro if you're starting right off of the DJ before, generally. If the crowd is really A) tired or B) dead I'd give them something they know. That's a good point to drop something like Megalomaniac or Pro-Test from the start cause they have those great build ups

    But, if the dance floor is going very well, I'd hit something a little more harsh starting... It's a delicate thing, done it a few times

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