It's an older DJ thing. It's just something that many (including me) did back when they started.
It wasn't viewed the way it is now. It was something that you called yourself if you were an ACTUAL DJ. You didn't call yourself DJ Billy-Bob if you didn't actually get gigs. It just didn't seem the right thing to do.
These days we have people joining the forum with no gear and certainly no gigs under their belt calling themselves DJ Whoever. It's just the way it is. Don't get me wrong, I don't care but the DJ tag is used with abandon.
If you don't actually DJ, you are not a DJ. Hey Hum doesn't matter but it's true.
I used the DJ tag cus I was amazed that I was actually earning a living from it and I wanted people to know I was a DJ and who I was. I used my real name. People knew/know me as a DJ.
I have since spent a good number of years trying to lose the DJ tag for no other reason that I don't need it and yeah, it sounds a bit naff these days but there are a lot of people that still call me DJ blah blah. I live with it, it's no bad thing cus it often reminds me of the time when I first started to admit to myself that I wasn't just some student with a bag of records playing at a pub but I was a DJ. I earned a living DJing and I did f*ck all else to earn my money. I was very hesitant to call myself a DJ because that was a term reserved for 'real DJ's like Norman Jay or Carl Cox. Took me a while to realise that I didn't have to be world famous to be a 'real DJ'.
This is why you often hear older DJ's whining about kids calling themselves DJ's when all they do is house parties or mates houses.
Personally I couldn't give a rats ass what anyone else calls themselves or what they think they are. It has no baring on me and what I do but I understand why older guys get a bit pissy.
I've got milk.... but I ain't a milk-man.
Oh and another awesome DJ name, DJ SCOTCH EGG.