It just has a certain charm I find.
It just has a certain charm I find.
The xwax Thread! - The minimal open source DVS for Linux!
Reddit's /r/DJs! - Another great DJ community!
ot- bradcee get in the chat room plz k thx bai
The xwax Thread! - The minimal open source DVS for Linux!
Reddit's /r/DJs! - Another great DJ community!
First of all, Traktor runs fine on windows. Not as well as a Mac out of the box, but with minor tweaks I've had no glaring issues. The thing you seem to be failing to grasp here is that it clearly wasn't a limitation of the OS if NI was able to fix it with the release of TPro2. I'm not saying NI isn't a great company. In fact, I'm a pretty big fan of NI. However, I'm not letting that get in the way of looking at this situation objectively.
As far as "modifying the product"... Wow. So anyone who uses a custom tsi and runs into bugs in the software should suck it up? This is Traktor we're talking about, a program which uses customizable midi mapping as a huge selling point. If I wanted to be stuck with only the midi mappings the company released or ones that were limited, I'd use Serato (which by the way I also have). Outputting midi to LEDs is pretty basic functionality by Traktor standards.
Aside from all of that, the main point of the OP wasn't "NI didn't fix the bug," it was that NI blamed the bug on windows and said they couldn't do anything about it, which in hindsight looks to be untrue. All of this "well it's only a problem for Windows users" justification is pretty unfounded. The product is released for both OSs and both should expect similar support from NI. If the company didn't want to support windows, they wouldn't have released Traktor for windows...
Here's the kicker - I'm getting a top of the line 15 inch MacBook pro next week, so I don't even have a personal interest in how NI supports windows anymore. That doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on it though.
OH FFS!!! we'd gone OT here, leave it to die man, leave it to die!!