I think blaming nem0nic for Behringer's ridiculously procrastinatious shipping schedule is somewhat harsh... he is, after all, just one guy. Short of throwing a few thousand units in a sack, loading them onto a reindeer-towed sleigh and delivering them himself, there's bugger all he can do about it.
Honestly, our problem isn't the release schedule for CMD. It's letting people know about the project earlier than we should have - and that's all on me. I remember before I worked in this industry how much I wanted some visibility into product creation, and so as soon as I had hand made samples available I argued to show them. I thought it was important to let people know about what we were working on, because I was excited about the products. But that was a mistake, and its why everyone is usually kept in the dark about product until its being manufactured.
Last edited by nem0nic; 03-07-2013 at 09:45 PM. Reason: Spelling
Tbh I think the main issue wasn't the fact they were demoed early, it was that the goalposts were moved repeatedly; like, every time they were shown it was: launching <insert date>; then the date rolled around, and people were like: "where are they?" and then a new release date was announced, etc etc. I know the gear we'll be using when they eventually drop is significantly different to the stuff promo'd at NAMM 2012, but for some people there are limits lol.
Kinda reminds me of The One DJ software lol.
I don't care when they come out anymore. I'll just be happy when they hit the shelves.