I'm starting to create a MIDI mapping of the APC 40 in Traktor and wanted to share the layout key I made. It displays all of the MIDI note and CC values and the respective channels for each button.
I was going to try and use the APC40 in combination with the Vestax VCI-100, but unfortunately there are many duplicate notes and CCs. This means functionality out-of-the-box may be compromised, but there is probably a workaround using Bome's MIDI Translator, MAX, or just waiting till Max for Live comes out.
Otherwise, I may come up with a complete mapping just using the APC40 for fun. It probably won't be as intuitive as using the VCI-100, but it may result in an interesting take on using Traktor. A little more of a monome feel. After all, I was able to break sports records and rescue a princess only using a directional pad and two buttons. Anyone using a monome to control Traktor? What are some ideas people would like to see implemented in a mapping?
***UPDATE: I posted a very basic mapping in a new thread to get people started with the APC40.