Mappings for Traktor Pro 3 with S2 MK2 + Maschine Mikro MK2?
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Oct 2012

    Default Mappings for Traktor Pro 3 with S2 MK2 + Maschine Mikro MK2?

    Hi Guys,

    First off, I hope you all are staying safe (and sane!) during these crazy times - We'll all make it through together and be back spinning in no time!

    My question is about using the Maschine Mikro MK2 midi mappings to supplement my (Traktor Pro 3) Kontrol S2 MK2 setup. I love the idea of the Maschine ONE mapping (Find it here) to shortcut functions like a high/low EQ kill button, more cues, concentrated effect banks, etc. I've also used the CTC mapping with so/so results on it's own. I tried out Christian's interpretation of Rafik's full Maschine mapping, and it's pretty good, but not customizable and is mostly comprised of features I'm not interested in.

    The main issue I'm running into is when I try to use the Mikro Mk2 side-by-side with my S2. I'm not sure if MIDI values are clashing, but seems like they're not staying in their own lane. I have the In & Out ports pointed their respective devices within Traktor as well, but either the S2 stops responding or the Mikro shows the mapping, but does not respond to commands. In either case, Traktor shows that it's receiving MIDI input, but does not register any command.

    I know since the ONE mapping isn't originating from DJ tech tools and since it's older hardware, that I may be out of luck with help in terms of that - So alternatively, I wondered if anyone had any advice for running Maschine Mikro MK2 as a supplement to the Kontrol MK2? Has anyone had success with setups outside of the ones offered here?

    Thanks for taking the time to read my message and I hope to hear your experiences!

    Country Roads, Take Me Home.

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    S2 is running in HID and Micro is running in MIDI protocol so signals shouldn't be conflicting.
    Have you reimport S2 mapping once you Install TSI for Micro? Assuming you are using big import button which overwrites all existing mappings in the Controller Manager.

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    Oct 2012


    Hi Stewe,

    I would import via Controller Manager>Add>Import TSI>Import Other. Should I be using the big Import button for all Imports? I assumed that would overwrite any existing mappings.
    I have not tried reimporting the S2 mapping however, that's a great point! Should I try using the big import button for the Mikro first, then use the little Add button for the S2? I'll give that a try at least and report back.

    Thanks for moving this post btw - Didn't quite know the correct place to send this
    Country Roads, Take Me Home.

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AJw34 View Post
    Should I try using the big import button for the Mikro first, then use the little Add button for the S2? I'll give that a try at least and report back.
    That is correct. Just ensure you don't have two mappings for S2 installed in Devices Setup.

    Quote Originally Posted by AJw34 View Post
    Thanks for moving this post btw - Didn't quite know the correct place to send this
    No problem!

  5. #5
    Tech Convert
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    Oct 2012


    Stewe - this seems to have worked like a charm! Thanks for taking the time to set me straight man!

    Gonna try to dive through the forum to try to figure out how to add gain monitoring to the pads! If you have a quick link to an article, I'd certainly appreciate, but no worries if you don't have the time

    Thanks again! BTW the stuff on your website is unreal man!
    Country Roads, Take Me Home.

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