Skullcandy yay or nay
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Default Skullcandy yay or nay

    been looking at skull candy headphones and the sk pro look awesome anyone got a pair and can comment on there sound. All the gear reviews i can find say good things.

  2. #2
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    iPod Yay! have a pair of "smokin buds" and apart from falling out all the time due to mutated ear syndrome they sound fantastic. Couldn't comment on the dj line however.
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Über Tech Guru Ed Paris's Avatar
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    don´t hink about buying them for djing...pretty bad, cause u have to turn the volume up to death for not hearing what comes from the monitors in the booth.
    i use some plugs for my ipod but that´s all. also the build quality sucks. the cables do break easily. save some money and get some better cans.

    only thing i like skull candy for is their design.

    (by the way i know what i´m talkin about, cause we sold skull candy at opur skate shop and 90% of them came back to us, cause of broken cables)
    Last edited by Ed Paris; 03-16-2010 at 08:05 AM.
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  5. #5
    Tech Guru narrah's Avatar
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    Big NaY, I was in a hurry in the airport once and picked out a pair for I gues around $90 and they are horrible.... Better to save an extra $200 and get a nicer pair.
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  6. #6


    Skullcandy makes headphones for Hot Topic teens; they are not meant for professional DJs. Save your money and go for something legit. DJTT posted an article about cans; I'd read that. (Personally, I have Sony MDR-v700s, and they're great. Only downside is they're not very comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, but that's not applicable for DJs and it's bad for your ears to wear any headphones for too long anyway.)
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  7. #7
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Didnt we go over this subject at length about 3 weeks ago.

    Anyway, Skullcandy headphones are shit. They last about 2 minutes before they break.
    The clue is in the name. They are just pretty to look at (if you like looking like a 12 year old).

  8. #8
    Tech Guru Bassline Brine's Avatar
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    It seems there are only crap cans until you get to the big budget stuff. A couple of them are /okay/ but I'd really say if you need to pick up some cans, and don't have 200+ bucks laying around, just grab anything you want. And be prepared to save for the better cans later.

    It's one of those things you can't live without, but if you can afford it, go for the good stuff. I plan on picking up a set of Senn HD25-1 II's when I get a chance, but that's about 176 bucks that I don't have at the moment. So I'm going with a cheap ($20) set until I can save the cash.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor CerebralExcretion's Avatar
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    Its not just the cables, i know 2 people who had those and they both snapped clean in half on the headband while they were wearing them! Also most of the designs are bloody awful generic "urban" crap anyway.
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  10. #10
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CerebralExcretion View Post
    Its not just the cables, i know 2 people who had those and they both snapped clean in half on the headband while they were wearing them! Also most of the designs are bloody awful generic "urban" crap anyway.
    What he said^^^^.

    I dont even know why anyone even slightly serious about DJing would consider these pieces of shit.

    Fashion before function... no thanks.

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