Half speed by a push of a button
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  1. #1

    Question Half speed by a push of a button

    I'm a quiet reader of the forum but now I have something in my head which I think should be possible... or it is the limit of the software or my own

    A hold (or toggle) button to make your track go half speed in key, when release it should play at normal speed with key off.
    - as you can set the beatgrid to /2 and x2 I think it might be possible to map this to a button

    For example, when playing a drum&bass track at 174 you hold this button to make the track go 87bpm (in sync and key of course). I've tried some tricks with setting my beatgrids right but I can't seem to figure out if this is actually possible.

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    As long as the track is synced and is slave to another one, doubling the BPMs in the beatgrid section should do the trick (this should trigger a modifier so it switches back to normal on release). The key is the track being SLAVE otherwise it won't affect it's speed.

    You could also try mapping the pitch fader to jump to -50% but this has the downside of not being able to reset it to a variable position (where your pitchfader was upon pressing).

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