Anyone interested in making a custom Xone K2 mapping for me, will pay!
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    May 2011

    Default Anyone interested in making a custom Xone K2 mapping for me, will pay!

    Hi guys.
    I posted this in the Mapping forum a few days ago but got no replies.
    I hope more people get to see this here.

    I am very busy with a few studio projects and my job.
    I'd appreciate it if anyone would be interested in making a custom Xone K2/Traktor mapping for me to suit my needs. I'd be glad to pay $50, either paypal, or beatport voucher etc.
    Its nothing too complex or unique. Just need the LED's mapped mapped correctly.
    4 decks transport, FX and Hot Cues. I use an external mixer.

    Please reply here or PM me if interested.
    I have every mapping thats been put up here and on TraktorBible but they dont suit my needs.

    Hope to hear from someone soon.

    PS: Mods, can this post please stay on this forum for a few days at least, theres more traffic here, and technically i think it doesnt break any rules as this does pertain to digital DJing. I'd be grateful!

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    No problem! Hopefully you'll get this sorted out soon

    Take Care,

  3. #3


    wish i had a k2, id help ya out...
    Traktor/Ableton /Komplete /MBP OSX el capitan

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    May 2011


    Borrow one
    30 day money back ????

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
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    Thanks Stewe

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by nynemusic View Post
    Borrow one
    30 day money back ????
    borrow me one lol

    nearest GC is 3+ hours away

    i wonder how hard it would be to download an existing mapping for the K2 and edit it in traktor with a cc map of the k2 as reference
    Traktor/Ableton /Komplete /MBP OSX el capitan

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
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    Its not very hard, a bit cumbersome and time was not allowing me any breaks.
    I made a pretty decent mapping today. Got the basic done.
    Would have preferred more convenient LED mapping.

    Fpr eg, i want PLAY/PAUSE to be green when stopped and Red while playing......could not make it happen.
    Anyone wanna help me with LED mapping of off state features......

  8. #8
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by nynemusic View Post
    Fpr eg, i want PLAY/PAUSE to be green when stopped and Red while playing......could not make it happen.
    Anyone wanna help me with LED mapping of off state features......
    K2 LED assign is bit different than other controllers out there... I also don't own it but I've take a look in the manual and seems that you need to send a specific note to lite different colors.

    I suggest doing something like this:

    note green display (modifier deck play=0)
    note red display (modifier deck play=1)

    Perhaps worth a try.

  9. #9
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Almost forgot to say that K2 doesn't properly refresh LED output in Traktor. If you run into this problems try adding the Send Monitor State to your Play buttons where you want to have this colors change.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by nynemusic View Post
    Its not very hard, a bit cumbersome and time was not allowing me any breaks.
    I made a pretty decent mapping today. Got the basic done.
    Would have preferred more convenient LED mapping.

    Fpr eg, i want PLAY/PAUSE to be green when stopped and Red while playing......could not make it happen.
    Anyone wanna help me with LED mapping of off state features......
    flashing red while playing is nice too..

    theres generally a numerical value associated with the different colors and states of being solid , flashing etc.

    let me dig around a little
    Traktor/Ableton /Komplete /MBP OSX el capitan

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