Looking for advice on Technics Custom Job - London Area
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Looking for advice on Technics Custom Job - London Area

    So, I've had my 1210mkIIs for around 15 years and over time they've got bashed around a bit and are in need of a good service. I thought I'd also take the opportunity to look into getting some custom work done as well, new RCAs, possible powder coating, getting the 0 pitch clicks removed, etc. Before I go ahead with this I'd like to find out people's experience and opinions on:

    • What type of mods have you had done and would you recommend or advise against?
    • For those of you in the London area, can you recommend any places based on quality of work and price?
    • Does anyone know of any local shops which can do a chrome finish and what sort of pricing I'd be looking at?

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Nov 2009



    Did mine, full service, replace all lamps for LEDs, new tempo fader, high quality cables, re-calibrated etc etc.

    Great job, thoroughly recommended.

    He even came all the way down to the south coast (near Brighton) for me. He's based in Croydon area but covers London but will travel.

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