hello all.
I have a set of denon sc3900s and a set of numark ttxUSBs. a ddm4000 mixer and I am running SL4. I am running the 3900s in hybrid mode and I have my left table set to midi channel 5 and the right table on middle channel 6. how ever my lay out of my whole system looks something like this
ttx - 3900- ddm400 (mixer) 3900 - ttx and the mixer channels are my left ttx is 1 my left 3900 is 2
my right 3900 is 3 and my right ttx is 4
my problem Is that when I try to control serato via 3900's my right table which is in channel 3 of the mixer.. its controlling deck 2.
and my left 3900 it is in channel 2 of the mixer but it is controlling deck 1 in serato.
I cant seem to figure out why this is happening.
any suggestions would be appreciated