How to map EQ + Filter to one knob in Traktor ?
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Question How to map EQ + Filter to one knob in Traktor ?

    Hi to everybody !

    I tried to map something for awhile, and did not succeed... So here I am

    So, I like to have some resonance on my filters. But the gain jump is often a bit too much, so I end up lowering an EQ while I'm moving the filters (like, if I use high pass filter, I'll lower a little the High EQ to balance).

    What I would love is to be able to automate this on each Filters Knob. When I turn my highpass filter, it would lowers the High EQ by maximum 20%. The best would be to lower first the Med EQ by 5% then put it back while lowering the High EQ progressively to max -20% while I turn up the Highpass F.

    Same for Lowpass Filter, but it would first need to bump the low EQ by 5-10% at the beginning (hate that bass drop in the first %), then to lower Low EQ by -20% when reaching the end of the lowpass filter to avoid rumble.

    Hum, not sure if I'm clear ?

    I tried pretty straight-forward mapping with Encoder and rotary sensivity... But only end up with having my EQ moving by itself and not even reacting to the filter movements ^^

    Any ideas ? If it's not possible, at least I'll be fixed
    Thanks !

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I done this before with my Midifighter Twister by combining the modifier and the secondary CC value (Superknob setting in the Midifighter Utility)

    It would be difficult to address both low pass and high pass in one knob but at least I think that high pass is possible with MIDI and any midi controller.

    What is CC for the knob your filter is mapped to?

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    I'm on a DDJ-SX 1,

    the CC for deck A Filter is Ch7 CC55 + CC23
    Deck B = CC56 & CC24

    How did you do for the midifighter ?

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The midi fighter Twister has this cool feature which allows you to enable another (secondary CC event) for each of the Encoders. In this case I'm able to split the value range in to two different peaces by setting the start value to 62 which is right before the canter position of the knob. This allows me to further set up my mapping in Traktor by going in to modifiers.

    As for your SX you can try something like this and start your testing based on this modifier technique :

    1) Add Modifier X
    Type = Encoder
    Interaction = Relative
    Enc.Mode = 7Fh

    Rotary Sensitivity = 300%
    Rotary Acceleration = 0%
    Invert "ON"

    2) Add Hi Adjust
    Type = Fader
    Interaction = Relative
    Mod.Condition is Modifier X = 7

    Rotary Sensitivity = 40% (or whatever else sounds better for you)
    Rotary Acceleration = 0%
    Invert "ON"

    Map this to your Filter knob and it should cover your HP side of the Filter.

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