Ultimate map for APC Mini
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  1. #1

    Exclamation Ultimate map for APC Mini

    Hey guys! im trying to make an ultimate map for my apc mini and then share it with the community, but im a kind of stuck in this part... so i was wondering if someone can help me or may guide me.

    first of all im going to explain what im trying to do...

    i took a square of 4x4 pads to trigger all the slots with some conditionals
    if M1=0 the square is going to lauch only the first page of the slots
    if M1=1 the square is going to lauch only the second page of the slots
    ... continues until the last page.

    But! im having troubles with the LED'S feedback. Im trying to get this feedback
    Slot empty = Red Led
    There is a sound/ sound is stopped = Yellow Led
    Sound is playing = Green Led

    Actually i get this feedback but, also here is my problem..
    Imagine that ll

    * in the cell 1 to 4 of slot 1 there is a sound but in the cell 5 to 8 there is not sound so i lauch for example cell 1 of slot 1 and the led turn from YELLOW to GREEN (its ok) then i change the page from 1 to 2 with the botton mapped to a modifier and then i return to the page 1 with another button so when i come back the GREEN led is now YELLOW but the cell 1 of slot 1 is playing *

    i don't know why this is happening and im so pissed off because i have been working on this map for 4 days and still have this ***** problem.


    More info...
    Led output map

    min max
    Controller range 1 3 [ ] invert
    Midi range 3 5 [ ] Blend

    min max
    Controller range 0 1 [ ] invert
    Midi range 1 5 [ ] Blend


  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Can you upload the TSI? I also have apc and would like to see what seems to be the problem with the LED feedback

  3. #3

    Default Tsi

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Can you upload the TSI? I also have apc and would like to see what seems to be the problem with the LED feedback
    of course... Ultimate APC 1.1.tsi <<<<<

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Problem was that your slot state output commands were relaying on the controller range values. Each cell should have three different commands assigned to one note/button.

    I've created three duplicates of "Slot 1 Cell 1 State" and assign them with a modifier condition of "Cell State"

    Empty, Red:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-3 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Empty

    Loaded, Yellow:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-5 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Loaded

    Playing, Green:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-1 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Playing

    I've fixed only the first cell for you, just do the same for all other state controls and that should be good.

    TSI:Edit_APCmini_Cell State.zip

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Problem was that your slot state output commands were relaying on the controller range values. Each cell should have three different commands assigned to one note/button.

    I've created three duplicates of "Slot 1 Cell 1 State" and assign them with a modifier condition of "Cell State"

    Empty, Red:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-3 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Empty

    Loaded, Yellow:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-5 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Loaded

    Playing, Green:
    Controller Range: 0-3 ; Midi Range: 0-1 ; Modifier Condition: Slot 1 Cell 1 State.Remix Deck C=Playing

    I've fixed only the first cell for you, just do the same for all other state controls and that should be good.

    TSI:Edit_APCmini_Cell State.zip
    Omg Thanks a lot men! <3 <3 i'll finish this map then i'll share

  6. #6


    Bro can u explain me what means "Controller Range 0 - 3" ? (0=stopped cell 3=playing cell) ? i get a little bit confused

  7. #7
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Leaves View Post
    Bro can u explain me what means "Controller Range 0 - 3" ? (0=stopped cell 3=playing cell) ? i get a little bit confused
    No Problem, When you set the controller range from 0 to 3 it means that all four signals are coming in that output (empty, loaded, waiting and playing). A modifier at the end is making decision on which single signal is actually going out to the LED.

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