Mapping 2x Track Decks 2x Remix - Traktor
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Mapping 2x Track Decks 2x Remix - Traktor

    Just saw this video today and I absolutely love his mapping.

    I'm assuming hes a member here from his other videos with the MF3D.

    The thing I love about this mapping is it combines standard decks and remix decks at the same time, without having to switch deck focus. The problem I have had with the remix decks from day 1 is they only allow you to play 1 clip from each bank of 4 at a time, while with this type of mapping you could essentially use 4 buttons for each deck allowing you to have 2 remix decks running at the same time playing up to 8 loops/one shots at once essentially making it better for finger drumming - More like a drum rack in Ableton etc. The addition of 2x track decks make it great because it will be easier to fit into a typical dj set.

    Anyway I'm trying to achieve basically this same style of mapping but on the MF3D and I'm kind of confused because the midi fighter utility only lets you use either the standard mapping or the remix mapping not both at once. Also I've never mapped a midi instrument in my life so I'm totally lost.

    If someone could give me a little help that would be amazing and obviously once I finish the mapping I would be more than happy to share with the community.

    I don't know if I've explained myself clearly but I hope this all makes sense. The video should clear up what I mean.

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Sample pad loops:
    -Add in > Remix Deck > Slot Capture/Trigger/Mute / button-hold
    -Add in > Remix Deck > Slot Play Mode / button-direct / value-Looped

    Sample pad triggers:
    -Add out > Remix Deck > Slot Retrigger / button-hold
    -Add out > Remix Deck > Slot Play Mode / button-direct / value-One Shot

    Hotcue pads:
    -Add in > Track Deck > Cue > Select/Set+Store Hotcue / button-hold

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Thank you very much, now I just need to find some time to try my hand at mapping.

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