A Command Line Utility To Change Firmware Modes On The APC40
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default A Command Line Utility To Change Firmware Modes On The APC40

    I wrote a little command line utility in Java to change the firmware modes (Generic/Ableton Live/Alternate Ableton Live) on the APC40 - it's Mac only for the time being, but I'm going to add Windows/Linux compatibility when I get a chance, and hopefully some kind of GUI:

    More info here: http://www.tunecrew.com/2013/07/10/a...he-akai-apc40/

    I wanted something easier and lighter-weight than either opening Live or using a SysEx librarian.

  2. #2
    Tech Student DoMe43's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I've created another tool to solve the mode problem of APC20/APC40 mode problem at startup.

    You could download it at my blog at: http://audio43web.de

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