Traktor 3.4 - shift key funcitonality does not affect lights (out)
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Traktor 3.4 - shift key funcitonality does not affect lights (out)

    So there is a script for Pioneer's DDJ 200 which I am adapting, don't laugh, I don't need cue button so checking how it will function as a shift (toggle) key / modifier.
    I have
    linked it with modifier 1, made it toggle its value between 1 and 0
    made the button light up when mod 1, checked against modifier values - all works fine so far

    Now, the hotcue buttons should only have hotcue functionality when cue/shift button is off (modifier 1 = 0). This appears to work just fine, only when cue button is not lit up.

    Still, when I try to have the hotcue button lights to be on only when cue/shift button is off - so adding a condition, when modifier 1 = 0, but this makes no difference.

    What could be wrong? I tend to think something might be messed up with the traktor version.

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    What command do you use for Hotcue outputs? (screenshots could help)

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