Was on Craigslist the other night and came across a listing of records for sale. Contacted the person and exchanged information, met him at his apartment and was led to his storage. $20 for 4 records, some DJ rectangle and some Dirt Style. This guys has tons of stuff in his storage, he said he's done with college and nursing and he needs to get rid of stuff before going back home. I asked him, hey man, since you are getting rid of some of your things, may I take a look in here? He said sure! Let me know if you see something that interests you.
In the corner of a DJ's eye I saw what seemed to be TREASURE! Gold!
I saw a box that said Vestax, cleared boxes and other things and it revealed, Vestax PMC-05 Pro III, I was like holy $hit! I asked him, dude, is this for sale? He said yeah! but that thing is old! I was like! WHAT!!! He said his parents bought it around 99-2000. I said how much, he's like $10 - ok SOLD!
I rummage some more, then I see another TREASURE! This time it's SILVER!
I see a silhouette of what seem to be a TECHNICS box. Cleared more stuff and finally got to the box, heavy box, it read, TECHNICS SL-1200M3D, still has the price tag on it for $650 Guitar Center 2001. I asked him, dude, you getting rid of this too? He tells me, yeah that's old too! parents bought me that years ago. He tells me "That stuff is old, not sure if it still works" I was like umm ok, is it for sale? He said yeah, it's yours for $100
That's not all, when I opened the Vestax Mixer box? I found another treasure See below!
So this is what I came home with today!
Found something else in the Vestax Box - Technics Headshell with a Blue M-447 Cartridge