Hey guise, I hope you're all feelin' good and down for assisting a fellow DJTTer (ME ).
The pitch: My birthday's coming up, and I entered in a contest to open for Ludacris (i know...) at my school. There are about 50 something other entries, and (unfortunately) the timeslot is entirely a popularity contest. Anyway, the voting ends on (March 25th) my 20th birthday (currently running laps around Porter Robinson), and I'd love to have the opportunity to play a set live for 80,000ish people!
Can the DJTechToolsMakeAWishFoundation make my birthday wishes come true?
All you have to do is text GSULUDA30 to 66937
You'll get one confirmation e-mail, and won't be spammed or anything. Scouts honor.
You can check the links in my signature (primarily the top 2) for a talent check, iff'n ya want.
Thanks! <3