Hey all,
I've seen a lot of great videos and read a few articles on harmonic mixing. I love the concept and it also helps to sort my collection of tracks. So far I've been using beatport as my main source of keys which I convert into the camelot system. This is quite a hassle though, and having heard a lot of great things about Mixed in Key I decided to buy it.
I'm not a music theory expert, and I don't have perfect pitch at all (who has :P). I just bought the new Kill Kill Kill Ep from Kill the Noise (http://www.beatport.com/release/kill-kill-kill/833512)
I have two problems:
1. the key on beatport doesn't match the key that mixed in key detects.
2. Some keys like D# Major doesn't seem to appear on the camelot wheel, why mixed in key decides that this track http://www.beatport.com/track/deal-w...al-mix/3093228 (D# Major) is 2A. The A category is for minor keys, so I'm really confused. Maybe I'm missing something.
So my question is, should I trust Mixed in Key or beatport? I don't want to test the key on a keyboard on every new track that I buy as I would end up using more time on tagging my music than actually playing it.
If it turns out that beatport is more accurate, then I hope that I can get a refund.