Hi guys,
After recently getting my VCI-100, I found and have used a variety of mappings for the controller. The best I found for my own needs, was this great 2 deck mapping from this thread:-
However, it had some minor functionality bugs, and when I looked closer under the hood, alot of redundant note mappings.
I've now stripped it back to basics, whilst keeping, or upgrading its functionality, and curing the odd bug along the way. The end result is my take on traktor 2 deck mapping. It doesn't use any modifiers, so should be easily portable to previous versions of traktor as well.. but I haven't specifically tried this.
Every button is mapped to its original labelled function, unless it didn't have a function, or was spare.
A quick walk through for those interested in using it:-
Top Left Section.
The three buttons on the left side of this area are used as follows:-
Top) Scroll Up the folder list
Middle) Scroll down the folder list
Bottom) Change the view to browser and back to decks.
The Four small black buttons next to these (from the top down):-
Increase loop size of Deck A (but not set a loop)
Decrease loop size of Deck A (but not set a loop)
Increase loop size of Deck B (but not set a loop)
Decrease loop size of Deck B (but not set a loop)
The load buttons:-
All work as originally labelled.
The 4 buttons directly underneath this section (Loop*4, Key, Vinyl Mode, Sync), and the same set opposite, all work as labelled.
Note on Vinyl Mode. This swaps the platters from scratch mode, to search mode.
The jogs:-
Pitch bend using the edges, or scratch/search depending on vinyl mode button.
The transport buttons at the bottom, all work as labelled.
The centre effects section:-
Both halves mirror each other, for decks A (left) and B (right).
From the top:-
Trim (gain) .. As labelled.
Top three eq's:- High, Mid, Low. (These are labelled, high, mid high, and mid low)
Bottom button (labelled low):- Filter
Small black balance knob:- Key Change.
Effect button:- Toggles effects units 1 & 2, either on or off. So.. if both units are set to off when you press this, both units will come on for that deck. However, if you have one unit on, and one off, this button is a toggle, so the effect is this:-
Both On -> Both Off
Both Off -> Both On
Unit 1 Only On -> Unit 2 Only On
Unit 2 Only On -> Unit 1 Only On
You can set individual effects units on and off in the next section.
The effects section (Top right of unit):-
Effect button:-
This button does nothing on its own, but sets the LED for master, A or B.
When set to A:-
The effect select buttons (small black ones) turn on/off FX units 1 & 2 (top button and bottom button).
The rotaries (but NOT the far right one), change the FX amount of your chained effects on unit 1 (which I have over deck A, hence linking it with the LED A).
The buttons under each rotary turn the effect on or off.
The far right rotary is d/w control. The button under it is un-used as its midi messages are used elsewhere and is a known bug with firmware 1.2
When set to B:-
The three rotaries and buttons underneath, affect your advanced FX on unit 2. The far left rotary affects d/w as before. But to turn on the FX unit use the effect button inside the very top left area (labelled effect).
When the LED is set to master:-
The rotaries and buttons under do nothing. I've yet to decide what to do with these, probably cue juggling I think. Version 1.1 will have these implemented.
All faders work as labelled.
Remember, for this mapping to work, you must have chained effects set to FX unit 1, and advanced to FX unit 2.
-----> TSI Link here <-----