Gear: Traktor F1
Goal: Button that is a sync/master button that will be one color when sync is off, the other color when sync is on and flash when the master tempo is active
I used the button on the F1 labeled "sync" as my modifier, so i will italicize the word sync anytime i am referring to the button "sync" and i will bold when referring to the command for tempo sync" sorry if that is confusing!!
In my mapping i have a pad programmed to sync (when m1=0). The pad is also programmed to set as master when m1=1 ("sync" button on the F1 = m1). I also have an out LED command for sync on. This results in the pad changing between its two color states in response to when sync is on/off. The pad will activate/deactivate sync, and when holding the "sync" button (aka m1=1), the pad will activate master tempo for the deck.
Now, what I am wondering is if there is a way to incorporate a beat phase LED out so that when the track is set as the master tempo the LED will flash, as well as being able to do what it did before (change color when sync is on/off)? Any ideas would be helpful and fun to discuss!
I thought maybe you would
set a condition for the sync on LED out command to m2=0
set a condition for the beat phase LED out command to m2=1
Then find a way so that when master tempo is active, m2=1 and when inactive=0. So far i can not think of a way to modulate the modifier other than by pressing a button on the controller. Is it possible to make m2=1 exclusively when the master tempo is active on a deck?