Hi all,
I have two AT1240 turntables hooked up to my DDM4000 mixer, and have been (reluctantly) using channels 2 & 4 since those are the only two channels with ground posts. I was never too crazy about this, as I would have rather used 1 & 4 or 2 & 3 for this setup; guess I'm picky but aesthetically it makes more sense.
I'm getting ready to buy a Traktor X1 controller, sound card, and Tractor Pro so that I can mix non-vinyl tracks in. So I'll need to use the spare channels for my 2 Traktor virtual decks.
my question is this: I'd like to have my turntables on Channels 1/4, and my Traktor decks on 2/3. Can I move my turntable RCAs from channel 2 over to channel 1, but still keep the ground hooked up to the post on channel 2? Or is the ground post dedicated to channel 2 only? Now after typing all this out, I realize I could have just posted it easier: "Are the grounding posts on channels 2/4 dedicated to those channels only?"
Thanks in advance!