Tonight this happened!
Quite frankly we were commissioned to play a drum and bass mix (as seen in our signature), people weren't enjoying it because the sound system was not up to par (they had no subwoofers - no joke) and the manager kindly asked us to leave early as people weren't enjoying the music . . .
The crowd were young (16-18) and NONE of them recognised the infamous 'smack my bitch up'! So we moved onto more 'mainstream' drum and bass by Chase and Status and Nero for example and none of them enjoyed it! There is only so much you can do if you are commisioned to play a drum and bass set (literally played every sub genre - liquid, jump up, neurofunk) and no one enjoyed it! . . .
We kept trying everything we could do but nout happened and eventually we were asked to leave. But 2 weeks ago we played this exact mix at a night supporting the Scratch Perverts (on a Friday night) and we had so many compliments on a different night and a different club!!
What would you do in this situation??