smart mixing with traktor pro/asioforall2.9/ableton live
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  1. #1

    Default smart mixing with traktor pro/asioforall2.9/ableton live

    I was trying to get the smart mixing up and running with the new asio for all version and traktor pro and live 8. I am sure that it is simple, but I am missing something. I tried to follow the old smart mixing directions as best as I could and there were just some differences that I could not sort out.

    Any help would be much appreciated


    oh yeah on win 7 and will get the demo of virtual cable again

    thanks again

  2. #2
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perth, Australia


    You need to be a bit more clear about what you couldnt do if you want support

  3. #3


    Sorry sometimes I can not be so clear. My question is how do I go about setting up smart mixing with traktor pro, the new asiofall, v cable, midi ox and yoke. Since the updates of the programs and applications there are a few things that are different.

    I was just hoping for an updated version of your smart mixing tutorial (which by the way is an amazing concept).

    I'll go thru tonight and write down the differences in traktor 3/traktor pro, as well as the new asioforall2.9 looks completely different than the 2.8 you guys show in the tutorial and could not get it to work.

    Thanks again for helping the community by sharing this info

  4. #4
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perth, Australia


    have you put asio4all in advanced mode ?

    It looks a bit different but still acts the same, i dont think there is really a need for an updated version.

    If i was to create an updated version (which is definitely on the cards) i would write a tutorial using JackDmp (which is still in beta)

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