April 2010: Do the VCI-300 jogs/faders work with TPRO or Not? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilmat View Post
    Not to hi-jack the thread (well maybe I did already...), but I would love to hear your thoughts on the DX Karlos. Apart from the jogs, this looks killer (I've already got the arcade button mod plotted from thictool's videos!).

    But as far as sorting an "ultimate controller", nobody is there yet!

    I just thought it was laid out quite intuitively. Compared to the VCI where im having to cross my hands to perform certain functions, the DX is laid out much better. Theres so much more you can do with a mapping as well.

    I didnt get chance to change the jogs but i think you can map them so you can scratch a bit. Lets face it the VCI 100 jogs are pretty poor for accurate scratching anyway.

    The DX is still far from that "ideal controller" thats never gonna happen but its definitely a step in the right direction.

    A DX style controller with better jogs would just kill the comp.

    Then again a VCI arcade is a killer controller if you wanna do crazy-ass cue jumping. Nothing comes close in that respect.

  2. #12
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    I'd tend to agree with most of the above posts re: vci-300. I wanted to test one for midi capabilty, and to experiment with the jogs.

    There are more physical buttons on the vci-300, and quite a few more mappable knobs on the vci-100: Like Bento said, you lose two knobs on the 300 that cant be mapped. The vci-100 also has it's 3 banks (stock=effect parameter select) that effectively give you 8 more knobs and 8 more buttons to work with. I feel like with the 300, you're really just paying extra for the soundcard and build quality, which is phenomenal.

    But back to the main topic: Anyone who has a 300, please map the jogs to Traktor EXACTLY as I described above, and try it out. I really want to get some opinions on the feel. Like I said, it seems like a pretty solid stopgap for those using the 300, and I don't know why on every tsi out there, the jogs are semi functional or broken...
    MacBook 2.4GHz, 6GB, Traktor Pro, Ableton Live, Bomes MT, Audio Kontrol 1, Vestax VCI-100 SE Custom, M-Audio Axiom 25, Akai APC40, NI Maschine, 2x Midi Fighters (c/o DJ TechTools - Thanks!!)

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  3. #13
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Zac can you post up the tsi you have.
    I can give this a go tomorrow if i can get to the club and get the VCI 300 (shouldnt be a problem).

    I also agree (no offense to anyone) but every tsi i have tried has been shit. Riddled with Modifiers (i think the most i counted was 7 conditions for some buttons).

    If you an post up the tsi to save me some time id love to have lookie and see how it performs.

  4. #14
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    It's not a complete tsi, it's just a couple commands. Karlos, you can load it, drag a track to deck A or B and work the xfader (keep in mind, no sharp cuts without a translator) - should give you enough to assess the feel. Seems that scratch sensitivity settings of between 23 and 30% work best.

    EDIT: tsi uploaded directly to DJTT
    Last edited by Zac Kyoti; 05-13-2010 at 08:49 PM.
    MacBook 2.4GHz, 6GB, Traktor Pro, Ableton Live, Bomes MT, Audio Kontrol 1, Vestax VCI-100 SE Custom, M-Audio Axiom 25, Akai APC40, NI Maschine, 2x Midi Fighters (c/o DJ TechTools - Thanks!!)

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  5. #15
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    How close is this working in comparison to the 300 with itch?

    or is it closer to the 100 with TP?

  6. #16
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    I'm trying to figure that out now, scratching and scratching. It's interesting, it seems to be lying somewhere between the two in terms of tracking, but I also have Traktor set at 5.5ms latency right now, while I've experimented with Itch at 2ms. I'll try bringing Traktor down a bit and see what happens.

    EDIT: Yeah, it definitely doesn't respond like Itch regardless of latency, but at low latencies I can't tell a difference between this setting with the VCI-300 and the VCI-100. It's weird - If dual messages in one command are programmed it works as a relative fader/knob at 23-30%, but if only one message is sent, CC28 doesn't really work right (it's the faster message of the two), and CC60 will work only at 0-3%.

    So just to recap: Dual message in one command relative fader/knob ~25% sensitivity, or just CC60 at ~1%. No translator, sounds pretty much like the VCI-100.
    Last edited by Zac Kyoti; 05-11-2010 at 05:37 AM.
    MacBook 2.4GHz, 6GB, Traktor Pro, Ableton Live, Bomes MT, Audio Kontrol 1, Vestax VCI-100 SE Custom, M-Audio Axiom 25, Akai APC40, NI Maschine, 2x Midi Fighters (c/o DJ TechTools - Thanks!!)

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  7. #17
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Got it Zac.

    Its an xml file? Anyway should have the VCI in a couple of hours.

  8. #18
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    Can't you export the .tsi file to your desktop and then upload it as an attachement?

    Either way, Im curious to see how this works out. I enjoy occasionaly scratching in songs, but carrying 1200's sucks, and the jogs on the VCI really aren't meant for this. Like someone said in another thread - a DX type controller thats solid, with tons of buttons, knobs, etc. and with touch sensitive jogs like the VCI-300 would be a perfect controller. For now, i'll settle for a VCI-300 + a Kontrol X1. I just need some good jogs!!

    Lets us know how this works out.

  9. #19
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Fricking club owner has gone fishing for god sake.
    Getting the VCI 300 tomorrow now.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karlos Santos View Post
    Got it Zac.

    Its an xml file? Anyway should have the VCI in a couple of hours.
    Try it again. It should be a .tsi. I downloaded to test and it is, so I'm not sure what happened on your end.
    MacBook 2.4GHz, 6GB, Traktor Pro, Ableton Live, Bomes MT, Audio Kontrol 1, Vestax VCI-100 SE Custom, M-Audio Axiom 25, Akai APC40, NI Maschine, 2x Midi Fighters (c/o DJ TechTools - Thanks!!)

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