Introduce Yourself - DjTechTools Roll Call! - Page 61
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  1. #601
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Manchester UK


    Hey guys...

    My names Steve or Stephen... don't really have a DJ Moniker as yet.

    I'm 26 from Manchester UK and brand new to DJing!. Thought i'd take it up as a hobby as i've always been interested in music and the music scene. Love dancing to it.. so why not DJ to it!

    I was looking for a piece of equipment i could practice DJing on, learn the techniques and learn how to mix well. So i browsed forums and YouTube videos etc for a while.

    I then came across the VCI-100 which seems like a great piece of kit to get started on (I already own a 15'' MacBook Pro).

    Anyway.. i've ordered the custom arcade VCI100-SE to get started on, so my plan is to hook that up to my macbook pro and just get used to how it works etc etc.

    Next pay cheque I intend to buy a decent external soundcard, upgrade Traktor LE to Traktor Pro (and import the mapping files from DJTechTools) and get a decent pair of headphones and then i'm set (i think!?).

    The genres of music i'm most interested in at the moment are:

    • Electro House
      Progressive House
      Hip Hop

    Anyway, Just thought i'd say hi as a new recruit to the DJTechTools community!

    Last edited by steveymac; 10-02-2009 at 09:43 AM.

  2. #602
    Tech Wizard gabetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Bay Area


    Hello everyone!

    My name is Gabe and I haven't really given myself a DJ name since I have yet to obtain a physical DJ setup. I hail from the San Francisco Bay Area, great place to live btw! But yeah, I've been just been reading and lurking here for the past year since I haven't bought my own VCI. I'm almost to the point where I want to sell my car for something cheaper and use the extra money to buy myself a vci and soundcard

    I live for the beat drops and love dancing to all electronic music. I guess the reason I want to be a DJ is to spread the joy of dancing to electronica with the rest of the world. I want to help get rid of the negative views a lot people have towards electronic music.

    I come from a more rock oriented background, I even play guitar and sometimes I dabble with my friends drums or bass. But I've always had a thing for Trance, House, and Techno and all their different sub-genres. I don't have a favorite, it's usually just whatever gets me groovin!

    My current gear would be the PC I built last year for about $500 since I just wanted to upgrade my mobo/cpu/gpu from my 05 setup. I have a M-Audio Axiom 25 hooked up to Reason and Ableton which I mess with sometimes. But my newest toy would by my new Macbook Pro 13" compliments of Ex California Governator Grey Davis. I've barely touched my PC since I got my laptop, all I can really say is Snow Leopard is a breeze to use!

    This site has already taught me a lot about the digital DJ world and I hope to continue to learn more so that I can make people dance in the near future!
    MBP 13" | Midifighter | Launchpad | MPK Mini

  3. #603
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Intro

    Hey all,

    New to this, dj name if I am one is COK-BOTs.
    from vancouver, love glitch and grime, serious electro.
    Got some equipment here and need some help.
    Traktor keeps taking over all my midi's can anyone help.

    I run traktor with my vci-100 and then i want to run ableton with my
    evolution uc-33, m-audio axiom 25, korg padkontroler, and novation nocuturn.

    everytime i'm mixing with traktor then try to throw on the Native instruments FM8 vst in ableton I hit the keys on my axiom and it starts to control traktor.

    Any ideas, i'll post a pic of my setup tonight i think some will be tweeked to see it.

  4. #604


    Greetings and salutations...

    1. Christian

    2. Tampa, FL (Currently) / Rio, Brazil
    Have also lived several place in Europe (Switzerland the longest at 4 years), Tokyo Japan, and several other places in the US and abroad.

    3. Drum n Bass, (French) Electro House, some Dub, Industrial/EBM, General Dance music, and raaaarely Hip Hop (I used to spin Hip Hop from ages 11-16). I also play guitar/bass for an Industrial band but also play a lot of indie/rock type stuff.

  5. #605
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    1. Winston ,(haven't gotten a solid DJ name yet)

    2. Just moved to Sydney, Australia from Los Angeles

    3. Electroooooo, how can I not coming from LA?

    Was a big fan of LA's electro scene and now am looking forward to discovering it in Australia! Have always been wanting to get into DJing but only recently took the plunge and got the actual vci 100 a couple weeks ago and have been loving it! Will be upgrading it with the SE overlay and w/ pro pretty soon, was thinking about arcade buttons? hmmmmmm

    Anyone else in Sydney down to meet up lemme know! Love to get to know some local DJs around here

  6. #606
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Ian! (No real name.)
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada

  7. #607
    Tech Wizard andy311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oxford, MS


    Andrew or Andy
    Oxford, Mississippi
    Trance favorite genre
    just got into dj-ing mostly due to my love of trance and this site.
    been practicing spinning vinyl via serato with a friend for the past couple of months and bought Traktor and a mixer recently. Saving money and deciding to go full digital or timecode. Hard decision. like turntable feel but can do so much more digital...

  8. #608
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Welcome All!
    Acer E5 i7 16GB 512SSD 2TBHD ~ WIN 10 ~ TSP 2.11 ~ AUDIO 6 ~ DUAL X1s ~ DN-X1600 ~ SPECTRA ~ TWISTER ~ ATH-PRO500 MK2 ~ ZED6FX ~ AT2020

    " I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. "

  9. #609
    Tech Student RolandH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    The Bay Area, CA


    Hey Everyone,

    I usually go by Roland H. or my full name.
    From San Jose/San Francisco, CA
    I listen to pretty much all styles of music, the same goes for DJing. I'll throw anything on that gets people moving (hopefully not out the door haha). I would say I mainly spin progressive house/trance, deep/tech/funky/electro house, and Drum&Bass. The rest I dabble in just a bit.

    I sold my turntables a while back and have been using my mouse and a copy of traktor since then. I still have a wall full of vinyl that i mostly just sample from. I just recently picked up a VCI-100 as well as some other studio gear. I've been really getting back into production and mixing.

  10. #610
    Tech Mentor Audio Aerosol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hi all,

    Audio Aerosol. Thought i'd sign up seeing as though I've just bought a VCI-100SE. Can't wait to get playing.

    From the UK couple hours drive from London.

    Play mainly Breaks/house

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