Hey guys...
My names Steve or Stephen... don't really have a DJ Moniker as yet.
I'm 26 from Manchester UK and brand new to DJing!. Thought i'd take it up as a hobby as i've always been interested in music and the music scene. Love dancing to it.. so why not DJ to it!
I was looking for a piece of equipment i could practice DJing on, learn the techniques and learn how to mix well. So i browsed forums and YouTube videos etc for a while.
I then came across the VCI-100 which seems like a great piece of kit to get started on (I already own a 15'' MacBook Pro).
Anyway.. i've ordered the custom arcade VCI100-SE to get started on, so my plan is to hook that up to my macbook pro and just get used to how it works etc etc.
Next pay cheque I intend to buy a decent external soundcard, upgrade Traktor LE to Traktor Pro (and import the mapping files from DJTechTools) and get a decent pair of headphones and then i'm set (i think!?).
The genres of music i'm most interested in at the moment are:
- Electro House
Progressive House
Hip Hop
Anyway, Just thought i'd say hi as a new recruit to the DJTechTools community!